
  • Keith Olbermann is generally a hack but, in this instance, he is square on the nail. I heard about both of those idiots on the radio this a.m., and thought at first it had to be a level. If there is a God, Pat Robertson has never, and will never, been touched by His grace. Limbaugh is merely a fool, spouting lies and hate in search of ratings and $$$.
  • wow pwnt in every way imaginable.

    Tangent: That is an amazingly high quality clapping.gif!
  • Also Derrick, fw(little)iw you are my ***official new favourite poster***
  • True story
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Also Derrick, fw(little)iw you are my ***official new favourite poster***

  • Ya, Pat Robertson is the christian equivalent of those ridiculous Mullahs and islamic clerics who spout hate and filth all in the name of there chosen overlord. It's disgusting and truly offensive and I can't believe that anyone can feel the need to justify or try to rationalize his continued presence on the media radar.
    I've even seen some reports of people trying to make excuses for him. The claim is that he misspoke somewhat or overstated what he actually meant to say which is that there is an old Haitian myth that some people long ago made a pact with the devil to rid them of French occupation. Ohhh.... so that makes his completely abhorrent comments (yet again) okay.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Also Derrick, fw(little)iw you are my ***official new favourite poster***

    I would also like to voice my admiration for DerrickOne's contributions. Starting with his(I'm assuming not a her but I could be wrong) awesome avatar to his funny and insightful posts. Joy...
  • +1. But I think he can do better with the avatar . . .
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with my avatar.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with my avatar.
    Only thing wrong with it is that I'm jealous. I love it.
    I've had the same boring avatar for a couple years now because I'm only an occasional contributor and too lazy to search out a cool gif or funny/cool jpeg.
  • It's from the movie The Invention Of Lying. Would suggest checking it out.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    It's from the movie The Invention Of Lying. Would suggest checking it out.
    That's where I recognized it from. I was thinking it was something you found on The Onion. I enjoyed that movie. I laughed my ass off when he was trying to explain (and rationalize) the man in the sky.
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