Amazing..or is it?

While I would like to make it clear that I do not myself partake in such rituals...

....but this horse has skilzz.

Watch and discuss.

YouTube - Merlin


  • Fuck bull fighting and all the assholes who partake/support it.
  • I have several friends in Spain who agree. They say its mainly just for tourism and the old men who long for the tradition now.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Fuck bull fighting and all the assholes who partake/support it.

    But . . . those PANTS!!! And the sequins?!? How can a guy NOT love it? I have always wanted one of those little jackets, too. They're just, so . . . macho.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Fuck bull fighting and all the assholes who partake/support it.


    Sharantyr wrote: »

    ....but this horse has skilzz.

    Watch and discuss.

    I was hoping for something else when I clicked..

  • Sorry to disappoint you. I thought even from you I would hear your views about this sort of thing. As I assume we are all adults, it could be a very interesting discussion. Everyone always gets upset or offended right away and does not look at some of the finer details. Was honestly wondering what people felt...

    Bullfighting has its place in history, that cannot be changed. It is something that many strive to have abolished, and steps have been taken in some areas. Even Catelonia in Spain has started to take steps to put into law that would ban bullfighting. I believe California advertises humane bullfights where people can still enjoy the art of what some view as a ballet. But more than the unjust inhumane behavior that is bullfighting, I looked at things like the talent of the horse. Is it fair that animals life is threatened every time it enters the ring? I for one have never seen a horse do the manouvers it does, and think it is unfair for this animal,or any, to needlessly be risked in this way.
  • Yeah, that horse did have some interesting "moves". But, I'm sure when you place an animal like that in a situation where it's terrified and survival instincts kick in, it's gonna be doing some shit they normally wouldn't do.

    YouTube - Henry Rollins on Bullfighting
  • sorry, Shar..I hope you didn't take my +1 as a comment on you personally, it wasn't intended as such.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Yeah, that horse did have some interesting "moves". But, I'm sure when you place an animal like that in a situation where it's terrified and survival instincts kick in, it's gonna be doing some shit they normally wouldn't do.

    YouTube - Henry Rollins on Bullfighting

    Henry Rollins is great. Bullfighting "might" be cool if it was one guy vs. one pissed off bull, no guns. That would would at least be a somewhat more balanced contest. The other proviso I would have is that, if the bull kills the Matador, the bull gets to leave. Never liked Bullfighting . . . but I love it when the Bull takes a Matador down, just like I love watching Rodeo dudes get hammered by the bull/horse.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    sorry, Shar..I hope you didn't take my +1 as a comment on you personally, it wasn't intended as such.

    Everyone please mark this day down. Kristy says sorry. Expect the world to end any moment. Run for the hills.
  • I'm only pretending to be sorry to get in Shar's pants, ldo :rolleyes:
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Yeah, that horse did have some interesting "moves". But, I'm sure when you place an animal like that in a situation where it's terrified and survival instincts kick in, it's gonna be doing some shit they normally wouldn't do.

    +1 on the vid choice Derrickone

    Many of these horses go through training that teaches them how to avoid the bulls. I have seen where they attach bull horns to something and teach them how to move in such ways as sideways. Most horses would likely break a leg if they just got scared and attempted to "dance" in such a way. The whole thing makes me sad.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'm only pretending to be sorry to get in Shar's pants, ldo :rolleyes:

    No need for sorries sweet thing. As for getting in my pants.....only on sundays, no appology required.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    Many of these horses go through training that teaches them how to avoid the bulls. I have seen where they attach bull horns to something and teach them how to move in such ways as sideways. Most horses would likely break a leg if they just got scared and attempted to "dance" in such a way. The whole thing makes me sad.

    Just think of Matadors getting Bull-horn enemas and appendectomies sans aenesthetic . . .
  • Apart from the obvious; the horse riding was pretty sweet.
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