Hey epic_donk

Quit with the lies and become a productive member or gtfo.


  • hey hobbes,

    stop being on tilt on taking the internet so serious or GTFO.
  • pfft not on tilt.

    I don't take the internet seriously. What I do take serious is cheaters and lairs and you continued your lies even this morning.

    A leopard cannot change it's spots and I feel really sorry for you if lying about poker make you feel like you are successful.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    pfft not on tilt.

    I don't take the internet seriously. What I do take serious is cheaters and lairs and you continued your lies even this morning.

    A leopard cannot change it's spots and I feel really sorry for you if lying about poker make you feel like you are successful.

    its ok Hobbes...

    maybe since my return, its been a bit much, too soon.. Im taking a self induced break from the site... until things cool down. Might become a casual poster.. and thats it. dont wanna be banned, might as well stay in the shadows.. ill be here if you need me, but im not going to be razzle dazzle like always.

    On with regularily schedueled programming.
  • G'night Kristy . . . :o
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