Hmm...The Perfect Storm???

I was fkn exhausted after work today...I couldn't sleep last night and was up since 1am and then worked 7am-6pm. This all led to an all-out collapse on the couch. As I just awoke from my slumber and took care of some things around the house, well...I started thinking. In my sleepy haze I wondered, could it be? Could epic-donk in fact be Kristy pulling both the most successful and later to be revered fake account pranks of all time?

I thought it through as the cobwebs cleared from my brain and the more I thought about it the more I thought that, yes, it could be true...yet at the same time it was more and more unlikely.

I opened the **wtf** thread half-expecting an "I gotcha" to top all "I gotchas," but none were to be found. Instead, I found a new thread congratulating everyone on the hilarity contained within the aforementioned thread.

The things that made this potential genius all the more legendary also made it all the more unlikely. Feigning play, or actually playing, as Fed on 2 separate Stars accounts just for the gag? Finding or creating said accounts and having someone playing on them at the same time as her in the Stars PFC tourney? Could that sick call-down with A6 vs epic_donk have been staged? Could her new-found love for such an immature, lying, and, if real, losing player be a ploy to manipulate our emotions? Could Mark be in on it with his all too quick objections to Kristy's defense of Fed? Or better still, could Kristy be using Mark's account as well without his knowledge? Has this all gone too far? Is Mark tied-up somewhere in his underwear (against his will for the first time) while Kristy diabolically continues this farce?

And, mostly, could a real person truly exist and be as wantonly flawed in character as this "Fed"?

My fog of sleep has lifted yet I am still left bewildered. So many questions left unanswered and stewing in my head. Was the Fed account real and the epic_donk created by Kristy? Are both accounts Kristy? Neither? Surely it would be easy enough to post a form letter from Stars support. Would she create an epic_donk account and actually play 20 hands of 10 20 and 15 30 LHE risking monies in what are not her games of choice just to create the most epic fake account ever? This last point is what snapped me back to reality...or did it?

Ask yourself is this storm all too perfect? Maybe we will never know.


  • This thread is so full of win. Well done sir. I salute you.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I was fkn exhausted after work today...I couldn't sleep last night and was up since 1am and then worked 7am-6pm. This all led to an all-out collapse on the couch. As I just awoke from my slumber and took care of some things around the house, well...I started thinking. In my sleepy haze I wondered, could it be? Could epic-donk in fact be Kristy pulling both the most successful and later to be revered fake account pranks of all time?

    I thought it through as the cobwebs cleared from my brain and the more I thought about it the more I thought that, yes, it could be true...yet at the same time it was more and more unlikely.

    I opened the **wtf** thread half-expecting an "I gotcha" to top all "I gotchas," but none were to be found. Instead, I found a new thread congratulating everyone on the hilarity contained within the aforementioned thread.

    The things that made this potential genius all the more legendary also made it all the more unlikely. Feigning play, or actually playing, as Fed on 2 separate Stars accounts just for the gag? Finding or creating said accounts and having someone playing on them at the same time as her in the Stars PFC tourney? Could that sick call-down with A6 vs epic_donk have been staged? Could her new-found love for such an immature, lying, and, if real, losing player be a ploy to manipulate our emotions? Could Mark be in on it with his all too quick objections to Kristy's defense of Fed? Or better still, could Kristy be using Mark's account as well without his knowledge? Has this all gone too far? Is Mark tied-up somewhere in his underwear (against his will for the first time) while Kristy diabolically continues this farce?

    And, mostly, could a real person truly exist and be as wantonly flawed in character as this "Fed"?

    My fog of sleep has lifted yet I am still left bewildered. So many questions left unanswered and stewing in my head. Was the Fed account real and the epic_donk created by Kristy? Are both accounts Kristy? Neither? Surely it would be easy enough to post a form letter from Stars support. Would she create an epic_donk account and actually play 20 hands of 10 20 and 15 30 LHE risking monies in what are not her games of choice just to create the most epic fake account ever? This last point is what snapped me back to reality...or did it?

    Ask yourself is this storm all too perfect? Maybe we will never know.

    im hammered and am pissing myself with glee that anyone would even think this.

    GJ GTA.... G fucking J
  • and who the hell is joe black?
  • ...and john bovi?
  • lol, how did I miss this!

    A+ stuff GTA..I've lost track of how many posters have been accused of being my gimmick.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    lol, how did I miss this!

    A+ stuff GTA..I've lost track of how many posters have been accused of being my gimmick.

    But kristy, this time they are right! you are posting as me.. er wait Im posting as you! I mean... I am you? No... you're me! right?

  • Allow me to clarify:

  • Against you? My $$$'s on the cat.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I was fkn exhausted after work today...I couldn't sleep last night and was up since 1am and then worked 7am-6pm. This all led to an all-out collapse on the couch. As I just awoke from my slumber and took care of some things around the house, well...I started thinking. In my sleepy haze I wondered, could it be? Could epic-donk in fact be Kristy pulling both the most successful and later to be revered fake account pranks of all time?

    I thought it through as the cobwebs cleared from my brain and the more I thought about it the more I thought that, yes, it could be true...yet at the same time it was more and more unlikely.

    I opened the **wtf** thread half-expecting an "I gotcha" to top all "I gotchas," but none were to be found. Instead, I found a new thread congratulating everyone on the hilarity contained within the aforementioned thread.

    The things that made this potential genius all the more legendary also made it all the more unlikely. Feigning play, or actually playing, as Fed on 2 separate Stars accounts just for the gag? Finding or creating said accounts and having someone playing on them at the same time as her in the Stars PFC tourney? Could that sick call-down with A6 vs epic_donk have been staged? Could her new-found love for such an immature, lying, and, if real, losing player be a ploy to manipulate our emotions? Could Mark be in on it with his all too quick objections to Kristy's defense of Fed? Or better still, could Kristy be using Mark's account as well without his knowledge? Has this all gone too far? Is Mark tied-up somewhere in his underwear (against his will for the first time) while Kristy diabolically continues this farce?

    And, mostly, could a real person truly exist and be as wantonly flawed in character as this "Fed"?

    My fog of sleep has lifted yet I am still left bewildered. So many questions left unanswered and stewing in my head. Was the Fed account real and the epic_donk created by Kristy? Are both accounts Kristy? Neither? Surely it would be easy enough to post a form letter from Stars support. Would she create an epic_donk account and actually play 20 hands of 10 20 and 15 30 LHE risking monies in what are not her games of choice just to create the most epic fake account ever? This last point is what snapped me back to reality...or did it?

    Ask yourself is this storm all too perfect? Maybe we will never know.

    It's an awesome idea ... but I've played Kristy, and fed-epic and I can assure you they don't play poker the same... not even close.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »


  • It's an awesome idea ... but I've played Kristy, and fed-epic and I can assure you they don't play poker the same... not even close.

    Whose better?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    epic_donk wrote: »

    This forum has officially been won, and may now shut down. Also since my day has obviously now peaked, I'm going back to bed. See yall in a couple hours.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    This forum has officially been won, and may now shut down. Also since my day has obviously now peaked, I'm going back to bed. See yall in a couple hours.

    have a good beauty rest babe.

    Ill msg you later with those new newdz of me you requested.

  • It's an awesome idea ... but I've played Kristy, and fed-epic and I can assure you they don't play poker the same... not even close.
    epic_donk wrote: »
    Whose better?

    Far be it from me to decide who plays better.

    I suggest that you, me and Kristy play a game.
  • Far be it from me to decide who plays better.

    I suggest that you, me and Kristy play a game.

    im in... PM me with stakes and when..

    Im always down... I enjoyed myself the other night.

    of course i prefer limit, but I know that wont happen...

    1/2NL ok?
  • Far be it from me to decide who plays better.

    I suggest that you, me and Kristy play a game.
    epic_donk wrote: »
    im in... PM me with stakes and when..

    Im always down... I enjoyed myself the other night.

    of course i prefer limit, but I know that wont happen...

    1/2NL ok?

    I'm in, Kristy?
  • sure, lmk when
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