Opening Trip To Caesar's Windsor

So after a week straight of moving my stuff from Toronto to Windsor, including driving two loads with my Blazer, the last of which through a white out just past London, and having went through my first wrestling class in two years, I feel settled and happy enough to go hit the tables on Saturday. Bad plan, as I bleed out $200 over 5 hours playing 1/2 and leave none the happier. Did meet a LOT of regulars though, so I was much better off the next time I went.

Of course, next time was last night because I'm a degen. So, I sit down with my $200 and, sure enough, exact same guy on my left and my right as Saturday. Oh man, it's gonna be a long day. Sit for about 2 hours and don't really go up or down that badly. Guy on my right leaves and a woman sits down. About 20 minutes after sitting, she makes it $7 to go from mid position and I look down at As5s. I call as no one at the table has been reraising preflop and there have been soooooo many limped pots 6-8 people involved. Sure enough, 3 others call. Board comes 7d8sKs. She bets out for $10, I call, everyone else leaves. Turn 5d. She checks, I bet $20. She thinks for a bit and calls. River is 7h. And she checks again. I figure I can push her off what I believe is KX, probably 10 or 9 kicker. I pop $50. She thinks for about a minute and finally calls with K10o. Oops.

Managed to rebuild to about $150 when I get AJo in mid position. UTG makes limps, woman makes it $7, I call, crazy rambling old lady on the button calls too and UTG bumps it to $15. I'm figuring AK/AQ as he has made this sort of "smart" play before, but for another $8 I'm seeing the flop, as did the other two in the hand. Board comes AJ7 rainbow. UTG, again thinking he's "smart" checks it, woman checks, I bet out $25. Crazy woman folds, UTG min raises to $50, woman folds, I pause for about 3 seconds and push the rest in the middle. He takes about the same time to call and, with his smirk that he has everytime he has a hand, flips over AQ. Aww, too bad I out flopped him and he didn't catch up. Took nearly his entire stack and his stupid smirk too (sorry, he was really pissing me off with that damned smirk).

I then start just absolutely killing the table. Since everyone seems content to limp in, and there's two new players who think they're experts on my left, I end up taking down 6 straight hands and 9 out of 11. Crazy old lady comments that I'm stealing everyone's blinds and that they're all letting me. Ummm... yeah, works for me. Seeing as I'm starting to hit and they don't let you straddle at CW, I start throwing in $5 blind UTG. First three times, 23o 35o 75c. Oops. Fourth time I do it, guy in the SB makes it $22 and I look down at... 89o? Aww hell. I think for a bit and decide that he's not doing this without JJ+ or AK so I call (there were 6 limpers in already, all of whom folded). Board comes 610J rain. Damn, so close. And he bets $15. There's about what, $60 or so in there, seems like a good call. Turn is a blank. He checks. Right on, free river card, which comes Q. Jackpot... unless he did have AKo. He puts in $75... aww crap... I've got about $260 in front of me. I think for a little while and just can't see him betting out with AKo on that flop for that little, he's gotta have a set on the flop or the river or he has an overpair. I flat call him and he flips JJ for the set. I flip over the straight, he shakes his head and says he can't believe he let me get there, then leaves the table. He had been playing all day since 6am (it was past midnight now) so I'm thinking he went to get some sleep.

When all was said an done, I finished up $372 for the day, making up for the brutal Saturday. I'm thinking I should definitely avoid the morning/afternoon as I seem to make a lot more money there in the evening/late night.


  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I think for a little while and just can't see him betting out with AKo on that flop for that little, he's gotta have a set on the flop or the river or he has an overpair. I flat call him and he flips JJ for the set. I flip over the straight, he shakes his head and says he can't believe he let me get there, then leaves the table. .

    I don't get this logic. If you don't put him on AK then you have the nuts, so you flat-call and not ship?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    I don't get this logic. If you don't put him on AK then you have the nuts, so you flat-call and not ship?

    Edit: dam misread your post.
    although K9 is beating him but unlikely
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    The board ran out 6TJxQ....AK is the nutz

    Read my post properly. IF you don't put him on AK..then you have the nuts. Obviously if you put him on AK, then AK is the nuts, but he clearly said he didn't put villain on AK.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Read my post properly. IF you don't put him on AK..then you have the nuts. Obviously if you put him on AK, then AK is the nuts, but he clearly said he didn't put villain on AK.

    I couldn't decide if it was set or broadway and was very confused. Couldn't see myself folding at this point, but was unwilling to commit more than his bet. This is definitely a big problem with my game in that I can't pull the trigger for better or worse when playing live (seems to be no issue online... weird) so I end up not winning as much as I should on these hands. All in all, I literally made the call thinking "this makes no sense the way he's played it, so I call". Probably not the best thinking for my bankroll in the long run.
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