Casino Niagara Trip Report-Dec. 30th

Arrived at the casino shortly before 9am and was seated just before 10am at the table that was playing all night. Did not get involved in a hand for almost two rotations was not getting any playable cards. Tried to make a play on a few pots with dangerous boards and got rocked when I had pocket kings and a king hit for trips, but got sucked out on the river when another player hit for a straight. Sat out a rotation and went for a smoke actually had two was down almost $300 and was wondering if I was unlucky or just the donkey at the table.

Shortly after sitting down again player in early postion raises to $10 player in mid position reraises to $25 I look down and see AA and reraise to $75 everyone folds except the $25 raiser goes all in for $125 and remarks you are the only on at the table I would call and shows QQ. Flop come J 10 9 you can quess what I was thinking thankfully turn and river were brick brick and finally a decent pot shipped my way.

A few hands later UTG raises to $7 I am in mid position with Ks,Qs and decide to call and see the flop 5 players in the pot. Flop comes 2d,10s,As blinds check UTG bets $10 I call now three players in the pot turn 4s UTG goes all in for his last $60 I call other player folds and flush holds up. Over the next little while nothing special really happens but look at my watch and it's around 5pm and I'm about even.

Late position and most of the table just calling have 4d,5d decide to see the flop which comes up 4s,5s,4h blind bets out $8 I call along with 1 other player turn comes Ks blind checks as I do and third player makes it $25 blind folds I raise to $50 player goes allin for his last $80 I call. My fullhouse beats his flush.

Had another hand with the 6s,7s which made me some money,but can't remember the details. Anyway left at 10:30 pm up around $250 and with a better understanding of the level of play at Niagara for the next time I go back as this was my first trip there usually play at Seneca, but will definately play at Niagara again.


  • nice TR, well done!
  • nice TR; i play there some - maybe i will see you next time
  • 88Fingers wrote: »
    nice TR; i play there some - maybe i will see you next time

    He will be the guy playing 88 to any raise :p
  • philliivey wrote: »
    He will be the guy playing 88 to any raise :p

    Early in the day I did see more flops than I probably should have and got caught with my hands in the cookie jar. Next trip to Niagara my play will be a little different from the get go lesson learned. And yeah I probably will see a flop with 88, but not to any raise just yours lol.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    He will be the guy playing 88 to any raise :p

    even out of position ;)

    Edit: especially out of position - guaranteed monkey tilt for one of the people in the hand
  • How do you find the skill level/aggression etc in comparison to those who play at Seneca?
  • $250/13.5 hours of poker = $18.52/hour = still better than McD's :)
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    How do you find the skill level/aggression etc in comparison to those who play at Seneca?

    I found at Niagara I was able to see more flops at a cheaper price. Alot of calling or small raises compared to Seneca where I found you pay a little more to see a flop. Also a younger crowd at Niagara due to the gambling age being 19 compared to 21 at Seneca which I felt was better as the young guns think they know it all. Also find Seneca to be a more aggressive game in general post flop with larger bets and Niagara to be a more relaxed atmosphere in general just my opinion. Skill level a little better at Seneca, but not by much.
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