in Buy and Sell
Looking for a used Wii, perhaps someone who doesn't really like it anymore... Anyone..?
Any luck so far comp?
Appreciate it but I can get one new with Wii sports and an extra controller for $196... You wouldn't want to rip of a fellow forumer would you..?
If it's collecting dust, not much use to you, how about $100...
The extra games really don't mean anything extra as this one will be modded as two of my sons are.. The Wii's that is, not the sons... lol.. although they are married...
if you just wanted the system, i guess i can sell it for 125?
(sorry, i maaay end up keeping it since i see some stuff to waste money on in the shopping channel)
If it is I'll work on Jeff.
Milton Slim
yeah, it's this thing:
Milton Slim
Need to speak to Jeff
Spoken for and sold are often 2 different things
Jeff is coming to my office today
I'll corner him.
One of us will get back to you
Milton Slim
200.00 with Tiger woods and other
175 without Tiger Woods just the other
Let me know
Milton Slim
if anyone wants pics, ill post some...
will accept stars or tilt $ as payment.
Mail it to me, I'll send payment after receipt...
r u serious?
Thanks for the reply, 50.00 for the WII fit only?
Milton "Trying to get" Slim
Milton Slim