Texas Hold Em Victoria -Players

I am interested in getting in on or starting a regular game. I have a location down-town, with tables and chips, that is available most evenings.
I have 2-5 semi-regular players interested and looking for at least that many more. Fun and low buy in games.


  • We are in the process of getting some NL Texas Holdem games going in Victoria. If you are interested, just email me the following information and you will be contacted:

    What is your Buy In Range for tournaments?
    examples are:
    Minimum $20 - Maximum $100
    Minimum $500 - maximum $10,000

    Cash Games - preferred starting blinds
    .25 - .50
    $1 - $2
    5 - $10
    $100 - $200

    What days of the week/weekend do you prefer to play?
  • Hello Cad9,
    I have hosted several 24-30 tournament NL games from one well-established group, perhaps even yours? I have been told that my being on final table two weeks in a row, is not common, so I am more confident in my play. My technical skills still needs to improve, but I welcome a bounty on me (even though I don't know what that means yet) $40 - $200 works for me.
    I must note that I use my personal funds to play for my favorite charity; I do it soley for the fun, but want to play with the best. My nick-name is "Split-pot"

    I have to do some political work, to secure my facility, but if I could get 50 plus players to play solely for my charity once: I could virtually guarantee a first rate location to play every Friday...
  • I'll add your name to our list. We have a Sit N' Go scheduled for Feb 13th. $100 + $10 buy in. Three places pay or if decided on by the group, 1 or 2 places pay. If you are interested let me know and I'll give you the details. Send me your email address in your reply.
  • I am interested in playing. Let me know details at sidneyelectronics@live.com
  • We are full right now. I'll let you know if there are cancellations.
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