Tiger Humour

I'm getting so many and lots of them are very funny (to my warped mind)
Thought we might as well have a thread to share:
My latest:

Tiger Woods Holiday Poem

Twas the night of Thanksgiving and out of the house

Tiger Woods came a flyin', chased by his spouse.

She wielded a nine iron and wasn't too merry,

Cause a bimbo’s phone number was in his Blackberry.

He’d been cheatin' on Elin, and the story progressed.

Woman after woman stepped up and confessed.

He’d been cheatin’ with Holly, and Jaimee, and Cori,

With Joselyn, and Kalika. The world had the story.

From the top of the Tour to the basement of blues,

Tiger’s sad sordid tale was all over the news.

With hostesses, waitresses, he had lots of sex,

When not in their pants, he was sendin' them texts.

Despite all his cryin’ and beggin' and pleadin',

Tiger’s wife went investin' -- a new home in Sweden.

And I heard her exclaim from her white Escalade,

"If you’re gettin' laid then I’m gettin' paid."

She’s not pouting, in fact, she is of jolly good cheer,

Her prenup made Christmas come early this year.


  • What do Tiger and seals have in common?

    Both been clubbed by Norwegians..
  • It is near the Christmas break of the school year. The students have turned in all their work and there is really nothing more to do. All the children are restless and the teacher decides to have an early dismissal.

    Teacher: "Whoever answers the questions I ask, first and correctly can leave early today."

    Little Johnny says to himself "Good, I want to get outta here. I'm smart and will answer the question."

    Teacher: "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?"

    Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, "Abraham Lincoln."

    Teacher: "That's right Susie, you can go home."

    Johnny is mad that Susie answered the question first.

    Teacher: "Who said 'I Have a Dream'?"

    Before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary says, "Martin Luther King."

    Teacher: "That's right Mary, you can go."

    Johnny is even madder than before.

    Teacher: "Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for you'?"

    Before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy says, "John F. Kennedy."

    Teacher: "That's right Nancy , you may also leave."

    Johnny is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the questions.

    When the teacher turns her back Johnny says, "I wish these bitches would keep their mouths shut!"

    The teacher turns around: "NOW WHO SAID THAT?"

    Johnny: "TIGER WOODS. CAN I GO NOW?"
  • ok...now that was funny.
  • Tiger Woods owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole in one.

    What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing.

    Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn’t decide between the wood or the iron.

    What is the difference between Tiger Woods and Princess Diana? Tiger has a better Driver.

    We heard that Tiger’s wife has been interested in taking up golf. However, 2:30am does sound a bit of an odd time to start hitting your Woods.

    Ping just offered Elin Nordegren an endorsement contract pushing her own set of drivers. They are marketing them as "clubs you can beat Tiger with."

    News travels fast. The Chinese are already making a movie about Tiger Woods' crash. They are calling it, "Scratching Swede, Lying Tiger."

    EA Sports has announced the recall of Tiger Woods 2010 so a new bonus level can be added called "Tiger VS The Driveway". A collector's edition will be sold with a free Wii steering wheel.

    What does Tiger Woods have in common with baby seals? They're both clubbed by Scandinavians.

    If you made it to work this morning, you have earned the right to say "I can out drive Tiger Woods."

    Police: Did you hit your husband with the golf club.
    Elin: Yes I hit him three or four times.
    Police: Well which was it three or four?
    Elin: Just put me down for three.




  • lol...best yet.
    Is it just me, or did Frank sound like Steve Buscemi?
  • th_tigerwoods.jpg

    pay the extra shipping and this could still be under the tree this year.
  • lol.....Billy Dee Williams.
  • fuck me that made me laugh too hard. It's 4 in the morning.....everyone is asleep. Poor bastard
  • ddmilcan wrote: »

    omg that's funny!
  • th_TigerByTheTail.jpg

    Looks Like I got it now?
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