Ontario Poker League Event #14 in Belwood Sunday, Dec 20th



  • Just got home. Took 3rd place after witnessing some of the most bizarre hands in the history of poker.

    Haven't read fedh8er's posts yet.....can't wait. Oh yes I can. Maybe tomorrow. I've already wasted too much time on him.
  • Congrats Mole, well done.. You're on a bit of a roll lately I believe... It's an interesting group to play against isn't it? Love to hear some of the hands.... Talk to you after work.. I'm sure there will be more discussion about a certain subject... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Love to hear some of the hands....

    This was the hand of the day....

    We're down to 3 way action and "Omar" had been nursing short stack for at least an hour, it seemed like he just wanted me and big stack to go at it and slide into 2nd place money. Well he takes a hit and it leaves him with approx. 3-4k in chips with the blinds at 800/1600.

    He folds a SB and the button, and it comes into his BB (my SB) with 800 behind. We're all joking that he may fold if we raise pf on him since he's been playing so incredibly wacky. Unbelievably the button folds leaving it up to me. I didn't even look at my cards but made sure just to "call" to keep the joke going. He checks the option and before a card hits the table I announce all-in. He looks at the board (4,7,10 all hearts) and says "I fold, your 4 is good". I am amazed and flip over my cards to find 2 6 hearts.

    Over the next 15 minutes or so we played at least 6 hands all all-in blind as he just kept holding on. He actually chopped a pot once this way and all other times he would catch something to keep him alive but it took him 2-3 wins just to have a full BB.

    Any way, he ended up doubling up a couple times to where he had 5 BB (at 1k/2k). He was still folding to pf raises and I picked up Q10h in the small blind and raised it to 6k. He tanked for a good 2 minutes and said all in. He shows A8. Flop comes 8, rag, 10 (yeah finally, I'm thinking), turn Q and river 8.

    Finally with blinds 3/6k, he raises on the button to 10k. I pick up 9's and shove, he tanks and calls with AJ. Ace out the door and so am I.

    I check the site this morning and he ended up winning it. Unreal.
  • i was at table 2, the whole game..and if im right in thinking who Omar was, he was moved to our table a few levels in...Cutis K was dealing, but when Curtis got knocked out Al C dealt..and thats when Omar went on a card rush..gee thanks Al..lol..i staggered onto the final table and got seated between 2 huge stacks..oh well.... fiddled around awhile and got knocked out 8th..i didnt cash, but it was an enjoyable day of poker...some really sharp players on the final table..and quite friendly as well...congrats to all you who cashed..

    Martin Bandle
  • Not sure which was table 2 but Omar started on the farthest table on the left side as you enter. He and I were moved to what eventually was the final table after ours broke. He had the beard.

    Which were you? The final table seems like a blur now....can't remember the first out at FT.
  • Not sure which was table 2 but Omar started on the farthest table on the left side as you enter. He and I were moved to what eventually was the final table after ours broke. He had the beard.

    Which were you? The final table seems like a blur now....can't remember the first out at FT.
    i was the old guy, with grey hair and a yellowish shirt...actually the final table stated with 8..i was the first out...my ace 6 against ace K...Mole were you the guy with the grey hoodie that repopped my button raise lol...or the guy that sucked out on, i believe, John, by rivering a 10 to get a straight, and doubling up...then John pulled a Hellmuth getting up from the table and muttering to himself..lol..
  • marban wrote: »
    Mole were you the guy with the grey hoodie

    No, I was the purple golf shirt.

    You and I were nursing ourselves through the dry deck most of the afternoon. I think it was you that limped on my BB with AJo when I shoved into your short stack with my middle pocket pair. The 2 jacks on the flop put me in dire straits but I guess it worked out later.
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