Ottawa league starting in January 2010

I'm running a regular biweekly game in Ottawa's east end. It's generally a $20 buy-in NLHE freeze-out, now with optional $20 "last longer" for the high(er) rollers. Games start at 2pm on Saturday afternoons. 18 players max. Also, there will generally be optional low-stakes (25¢/50¢; $50 max) rake-free cash games following each tournament for those who want to stick around. BYOB - I usually have some snacks on hand, and we might order in pizza between tournament and cash game so plan accordingly.

Please post here to indicate interest, and/or message me. If you send me your email address, I'll include you on the regular invitation list.

For posterity, here is the original post about the league (postponed until further notice):
iNano78 wrote:
I'm starting a low-stakes home game "league" in the east end (near Montreal Rd. & St. Laurent Blvd.). In short, we'll be a league of 16 to 18 players (2 tables of 8 to 9) committed to playing regularly in $20 NLHE freeze-outs (T10k with 20 minute blinds starting at 25/50; typically ~ 4.5 hrs) every other Saturday afternoon starting in mid-January. I've already got several committed players from autumn, but still have a few seats to fill. Most of the group is 21-35 years old, but anyone is welcome.

In addition to each tournament's buy-in, there's a one-time $50 "league season fee" per player of which 100% goes to an 8-player "final table" (e.g. the final table is effectively an $800-$900 free-roll... or at least pre-paid). That "final table" will be played sometime in the summer - at the end of the "season" (e.g. after ~ 12 biweekly tournaments). Points will be awarded from each tournament, determining both the top 8 that qualify AND their starting stacks.


  • (post #2 reserved for details; will be updated as more info comes available)
    (oh, and mind the dots; spaces and tabs aren't HTML-friendly)

    T10,000 Blinds schedule we'll be using:

    . . Blinds . Elapsed Time

    . . . 25/50 . . . 0:00
    . . .50/100 . . . 0:20
    . . .75/150 . . . 0:40
    . . 100/200 . . . 1:00
    . . 150/300 . . . 1:20
    - break - colour-up 25s -
    . . 200/400 . . . 1:40
    . . 300/600 . . . 2:00
    . . 400/800 . . . 2:20
    . .600/1200 . . . 2:40
    . .800/1600 . . . 3:00
    - break - colour-up 100s -
    . 1000/2000 . . . 3:20
    . 1500/3000 . . . 3:40
    . 2000/4000 . . . 4:00
    . 3000/6000 . . . 4:20
    . 4000/8000 . . . 4:40
    - break - colour-up 500s -
    .5000/10000 . . . 5:00
    .6000/12000 . . . 5:20
    .8000/16000 . . . 5:40
    10000/20000 . . . 6:00

    Points formula is:

    Points = 25 * Round(LOG16(Num_players/Rank)*5000/25)

    For example, with a 16 player turnout, this awards 5000 points to 1st, 0 to last, and scales like log-inverse in between, rounded to the nearest 25 points:

    .rank . .points
    . 1st . . 5000
    . 2nd . . 3750
    . 3rd . . 3025
    . 4th . . 2500
    . 5th . . 2100
    . 6th . . 1775
    . 7th . . 1500
    . 8th . . 1250
    . 9th . . 1050
    .10th . . .850
    .11th . . .675
    .12th . . .525
    .13th . . .375
    .14th . . .250
    .15th . . .125
    .16th . . . .0

    Points at the end of the "season" represent chips at the "final table" (valid only for those who finish in the top 8); that is, the player with the most points at the end of the season will have the largest starting stack at the final table, and thus will be at an advantage for that final event. Points rankings, along with other stats, will be posted at

    Pay-outs for each game will be as follows, rounded to nearest $5:

    .Number . 1st . 2nd . 3rd . 4th
    . 2-8 . . 65% . 35% . . . . . .
    .9-12 . . 55% . 30% . 15% . . .
    13-18 . . 50% . 27% . 15% . 8%

    Final table pay-outs, depending on total number of players in the league, will be:

    .Number . 1st . 2nd . 3rd
    . .16 . .$440 .$240 .$120
    . .17 . . 470 . 255 . 125
    . .18 . . 500 . 270 . 130
  • I'm interested and moving to Ottawa in January - PM me with details. Not sure if I can commit to every other weekend but sounds like fun.
  • ponyboy wrote: »
    I'm interested and moving to Ottawa in January - PM me with details. Not sure if I can commit to every other weekend but sounds like fun.

    Will do. Most of the info (outside of address, etc.) is in posts #1 and #2. I'll contact players with the rest of the details in the new year. And if not enough people are able to commit (both regularity and the $50 that goes to the final table), then I'll scrap the "league" aspect and just host every two weeks for whoever can show up... which will most likely end up being a core of regulars, plus those who play every month or so, the odd relative from out of town, etc.

    Bumpity bump.
  • I've sent out an "evite" for Jan 9th's game to everybody who posted here that either PMed me or whose email address I could track down. If you didn't get it, (a) check your "junk mail" folder (sometimes evite gets filtered as spam) and then (b) PM me a valid email address and I'll resend it to you.

    Also, the January 9 game is sort of a "meet the players" opportunity. All are welcome, even if you don't think you'll be able to commit to the biweekly league. So... PM me ASAP if you want to come out and play a friendly tournament and meet some other Ottawa players this Saturday. I can handle up to 4 tables of 9 - would be awesome to have a full house!
  • I've got room for ~ 8 more players for this Saturday at 2pm. Anybody else in the Ottawa area this weekend? PM me...
  • League has been postponed due to lack of dedicated interest. Instead I'm just running a "regular game" (no $50, as there's no "final table"; no points system, etc.).
    iNano78 wrote: »
    I've got room for ~ 8 more players for this Saturday at 2pm. Anybody else in the Ottawa area this weekend? PM me...

    ^^ This.


    1st table full, 2nd table has a "maybe" on it so far. He's lonely. :-[
  • Too bad lived right in the area last year. Still in Ottawa at moment and may be interested but probably can't commit to regular play at this time.
  • Bump. NLHE tournament this Saturday, March 13, starting at 2pm. $20 buy-in, optional $20 "last longer". Post or PM me and I'll send you details.
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