Dexter Thread

I am surprised there wasn't a thread for this show yet since many people have said they love it. Just finished watching the finale and all I can say is WOW.


  • WOW doesnt' begin to describe it. I knew Lithgow would make an excellent villian, but he was incredible all season long.

    And I don't believe for a second Trinity killed the wife! It was the next door neighbour!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And I don't believe for a second Trinity killed the wife! It was the next door neighbour!

    lol this is a level right?

    Crazy episode, very disturbing ending......
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    lol this is a level right?

    Crazy episode, very disturbing ending......

    Think it would make a hell of season opener next year ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And I don't believe for a second Trinity killed the wife! It was the next door neighbour!

    YouTube - Narcoleptic Cat

    Okay, here's my thought process here.

    First, Trinity was a total NEAT freak, especially with the bathtub murders. Remember episode 1? He left the room almost totally spotless. They had to rip up the floor to get a decent blood sample. Season ending show, blood everywhere, baby sitting in the middle (talk about forecasting!!). Doesn't make sense Trinity did it.

    Second, Trinity's search for Dexter was futile. The ONLY address he had was his old apartment, in which Debra now occupies. He was totally lost because he couldn't find Dexter.

    Third, Trinity was on the run. He needed cash in a hurry and wanted to leave quickly. He had no time to WAIT for the Mrs to come home (and remember, she wasn't supposed to BE home). Timeline doesn't add up if he was in such a damn hurry to get away.

    Fourth...the neighbour story line itself SCREAMS that there's more to it. With the news being broadcast about the murders, the neighbour could have EASILY staged it to LOOK like a Trinity murder, and not know about the cleaniness of the crime scene Trinity left behind.

    And that, your honour, is my case. Trinity did NOT kill the wife!!!
  • have to agree, loved the ending; thought the episode was a little weak. They always seem to rush the final episode each season.

    I think the next season will start with Dexter's son a few years older and he will start to take on the father's habits. Not sure if Dexter will make his wife disappear as it will be tough to explain the crime scene. Will his sister start to piece the puzzle together? The ending is still a little confusing... not sure if the TK really was involved? seems too obvious for this show.

    One of the better shows on TV right now.
  • This season was the best ever on Dexter. I normally PVR all my shows and watch them later, but I found I watched Dexter live because I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. I was shocked at the finale last night. John Lithgow was a great villain, especially after a season of Jimmy Smits.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Okay, here's my thought process here.

    First, Trinity was a total NEAT freak, especially with the bathtub murders. Remember episode 1? He left the room almost totally spotless. They had to rip up the floor to get a decent blood sample. Season ending show, blood everywhere, baby sitting in the middle (talk about forecasting!!). Doesn't make sense Trinity did it.

    Second, Trinity's search for Dexter was futile. The ONLY address he had was his old apartment, in which Debra now occupies. He was totally lost because he couldn't find Dexter.

    Third, Trinity was on the run. He needed cash in a hurry and wanted to leave quickly. He had no time to WAIT for the Mrs to come home (and remember, she wasn't supposed to BE home). Timeline doesn't add up if he was in such a damn hurry to get away.

    Fourth...the neighbour story line itself SCREAMS that there's more to it. With the news being broadcast about the murders, the neighbour could have EASILY staged it to LOOK like a Trinity murder, and not know about the cleaniness of the crime scene Trinity left behind.

    And that, your honour, is my case. Trinity did NOT kill the wife!!!

    You could be on to something... there was an interview done with Clyde Phillips (Exec Prod.) found here. One of the questions was did Trinity tell Rita about Dexter before he killed her. His response was "I don’t know the answer to that question. We haven’t talked about next season. But [my gut says] I would think that he did not tell her."

    It doesn't make sense that Trinity would have been able to gather that much information about how Dexter was found as a child in such a short period of time unless this info was found in Debs appartment.

    Which leads to the question, who did it? I really don't think the neighbour could figure that stuff out so quickly and it would seem kinda far fetched that 2 brutal killers were living side-by-side. I would say Quinn possibly because he seems shady as hell and could have found out from Deb. Other than that, I am lost.

    Whoever did do it, could be doing it to set-up Dexter though and it will be interesting how it plays out next season.
  • Graham wrote: »
    Which leads to the question, who did it? I really don't think the neighbour could figure that stuff out so quickly and it would seem kinda far fetched that 2 brutal killers were living side-by-side. I would say Quinn possibly because he seems shady as hell and could have found out from Deb.

    I don't think there was any 'investigation' done by the neighbour at all, just he was jilted by Rita, and took the convenient Trinity killing idea to set it up to look like his handiwork. This concept can be played quite well into the next season...neighbour now has a taste for killing...missing wife that nobody knows where she ran off too...jilted by women, he takes his revenge out on can work.

    I don't think you'll see Quinn becoming a regular AFTER next season. He and Dexter are going to go at it mid way through the next season, and Quinn's going to wind up on the table. Don't think he killed Rita though.
  • maybe the sister did it?
  • Pretty interesting stuff guys...but if you re-watch the kill scene there are some creepy signs that still make me think that Trinity did it..the change in expression in Trinity's face when Dexter says "I have a family...", Trinity saying "It's already over", and then him eerily singing "I'll give her all the love I have to give, as long as we both shall live"...
  • Interview with Michael C. Hall and Lithgow about the finale:

    Showtime Official Site :: Video :: Series
  • Was actually going to make a thread about this show last week. Favourite show next to Lost. This past season was great. Started out kinda slow, but the last half got super intense. John Lithgow played the part of Trinity to perfection. I was kinda curious how he would be as the villain when I first heard about it. This finale definitely made me really excited for whatever is going to happen next season. I really think Deb is going to piece everything together and find out who/what Dexter really is. From the way things were going in the finale it seemed like she was already putting some things together. Especially with the look she was giving him when she saw him in Trinity's garage. I wonder what the reaction towards Ritas murder will be, and what's gonna happen with the kids. It seems that with the sudden introduction of Paul's parents that maybe the kids will be going to live with them. It's looking like Quinn is going to be the shows new Doakes type character. Have a feeling that it might actually come down to a Quinn vs Dexter showdown in the end.
  • Yeah I pretty much agree with your analysis derrick, it just sucks to think that next season might be the last (i.e. if Deb/someone else figures out Dexter).
  • Yeah, it's gonna suck when this show comes to an end. But it's definitely not a show that can last for much longer. They can only go through the same formula so many times before it just gets dull. I really feel that 5 seasons is a perfect run for a show like this, and if they were to keep it going I feel a lot of viewers will just drop off. But, if they could find a way to keep the show fresh and interesting for a few more seasons, I would definitely not complain.
  • Just saw it the other day and wow did not expect that at all. Last season kinda stunk IMO but this season was amazing. The only person I hope didn't kill Rita was Dexter cause I hate when they do those split personality type killings. Can't wait till next season, and though I loved this series I don't mind it ending.
  • I think that trinity killed Rita. The reason for the different style crime scene (messy) was that he knew that identified already. Either way, I don't think that they will clearly state who it was.

    I think one of the reasons this season was so much better than last was because the focus was much more on Dexter than past seasons. Last season there was way too much of the sister.
  • I think one of the reasons this season was so much better than last was because the focus was much more on Dexter than past seasons. Last season there was way too much of the sister.

    Yea, good point. Deb tilts me a little.
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