mistakes in no-limit

I'm playing a $100 multi-rebuy tournament in L.A. Its about 4 hours into the tournament, and i'm in good shape with about 14k chips. The blinds are 100-200 with 25 ante. I decide to gamble on the button with the 7h-5h. Four people see the flop, comes 6h-9h-3c. A great flop for me giving me the double gut shot, and flush draw. Everyone checks to me, i like my hand so mutch i decide to bet 600 right there and try to take the pot. I believe that was my first mistake. The small blind raises and makes it 2,600, making it 2,000 to me. I have so many outs i decide to flat call, witch i think was mistake number two. The turn brought the 3s, pairing the board. He bet 5k and i folded. Now first off i think i should have checked the flop and taken the free card, maybe getting to see the river cheaply. But after mistake number one, i think i should have moved him all-in when he check-raised me. I had him covered in chips, and i think he would have layed down any mediocre hand. What do you think?


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