Getting old sucks

So last week I have the funeral for my best friend growing up. Minutes ago I find out one of my teamates from baseball is near death. This is supposed to happen when you're 80+ not when you turn 40!


  • Geeze, my condolences. That is horrible. I blame big corporations treating their employees like slaves. 2 people around their 40s that I used to work with at IBM died due to stress related illnesses and a couple others were hospitalized and near death. Ironically this all started around the same time that they were transitioning our department to Brazil.
  • Graham wrote: »
    Geeze, my condolences. That is horrible. I blame big corporations treating their employees like slaves. 2 people around their 40s that I used to work with at IBM died due to stress related illnesses and a couple others were hospitalized and near death. Ironically this all started around the same time that they were transitioning our department to Brazil.

    +1, I won't reach 40 cause of this also.

    sorry to hear HM
  • Mole, was this the woman you were mentioning a while back? Regardless, you have my sympathies, and she has my prayers. Not to make light, but my late Mother used to say that getting old was not much fun, and I would tell her that it beat the alternative. Unfortunately, that alternative is becoming all too real for some of us.

    On the bright side, at least 40 isn't old like Milton Rocks old . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Mole, was this the woman you were mentioning a while back?

    Yes, it was her funeral. The sadness from the initial news was definitely displaced by her funeral as it was more of a relief that she wouldn't suffer any more. I am putting Dr. Kevorkian on speed dial for when I hit one tenth of the pain and suffering she went through.

    Unfortunately it sounds as though I'll have another funeral in my near future.
  • I'm so sorry for your losses.
  • R.I.P

    sorry to hear.
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