IPod vs MP3?? What's the difference?

Never was one who kept up with personal tech too much. It was always changing too fast and for the most part, never really interested in tech too much. My daughter, however...different story.

Her Christmas wish list this year contains IPod Nano. Like a good father, I want to give her what she wants, but I can't wrap my head around what makes an IPod so different from other MP3's that it warrants a $100 difference in price? Looking around, I see IPods in the $180 to $200 range, while comparable MP3's are MUCH lower...from $80 to $100.

So what's the difference? Far as I can tell, they both download music and video, and even let you record your own. Is it just the name you're paying for with IPod?

Want to make my daughter happy Christmas morning, and would appreciate advise from others in the know.


  • All the kids in the family got IPODs last year from the rich member of the family. I tried to set up my nephews IPOD then I found out I had to use Apple's software to do that. Then I found out there was some issue with me doing on my computer and he being able to then connect it to his computer. The files become computer specific or some such bullshit. FWIW he uses a $40 video/MP3 player I got him 2 years ago at Crappy Tire. I don't think any of the kids use their IPODS.

    After this post is where all the IPOD lovers attack me for being a moron but I am able to plug any generic MP3 player into my USB port, drag over any avi, mp3, jpg file and not have put up with Apple's BS.

    Now that being said there is a wide range of IPOD addons like external speakers, clock radios, even stereos and cars that take IPODs directly and either that is a good thing or a whole new universe of additional expensive toys you will get hit up for.
  • moose wrote: »
    there is a wide range of IPOD addons like external speakers, clock radios, even stereos and cars that take IPODs directly and either that is a good thing or a whole new universe of additional expensive toys you will get hit up for.

    And nothing for other MP3 alternatives whatsoever. The plus for IPod would be future items I can get for it, but they're not cheap either. And I doubt she would keep an IPod in working condition long enough to be able to offer any kind of addon's. Personally leaning toward a higher end MP3 for her, but she's not showing any interest in anything except IPod.

    She has a champagne taste on my beer diet!
  • I agree with Moose. I've had a 30gig Creative Lab for years and LOVE IT.

    However, if you daughter is hooked on a Ipod, then Ipod it is.
  • ***********************************
    DO NOT under any circumstances buy her an MP3 player. If you cannot afford the Nano buying her an MP3 player would be an incredible mistake, and you will ruin her Christmas.


    She's a little girl, this request has nothing to do with music..she probably doesn't even know enough songs to fill the damn thing.

    This is a status want, that she will enjoy for that reason..buy it for her, and never bitch when/if she doesn't use it the way YOU think she should. (to listen to music)

    Girl's self esteem at this age are too fragile to work on, let her go through this awkward money=awesome phase without overtly crushing her..and address the issue of functionality and practicality when she is more mature and ready. (usually about 16)

    Or if you really cannot stomach that..buy her something completely different, but an MP3 player will be totally embarrassing, a disappointment and virtually useless to her.
  • Have to agree with Kristy on this.
    It's for status mainly.

    If you really want to be her hero, iPhone ftw :D

    and just cause moose can't get it working means nothing. ;)
  • Maybe some background info.
    She's 14 now, and yes, status is EXTREMELY important to her. The old arguments my parents always gave me do not fly with her whatsoever.

    Its not a matter of being able to afford one over the other, but if it is an IPod, another item on her list will NOT be gotten. There is only so much to go around for everyone.

    Last year I got her a cellphone. Since last Christmas Day, she has misplaced the charging cord three times, once for a period of four months, and has misplace the actual phone countless times (matter of fact, she only just NOW found it again after losing it for a week). Her friends are constantly asking to borrow it and I think she gets a kick out it that they're somewhat jealous of the fact she has a cell phone.

    I'm a typical father, always doing my best to get her whatever it is she wants no matter how frivolous it may appear to me. I spoil her rotten, always have and most likely always will and no amount of common sense will likely change that fact.

    I think Kristy is right though. If I were to get the alternative, I think she would not appreciate it as much.

    Time to think...open to other comments as well. Still have time to get the PURPLE one she wants.

    OH and Hobbes...don't EVER talk to my daughter!! I know you would only plant seeds for my bankruptcy if you did.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    She's 14 now, and yes, status is EXTREMELY important to her.

    Last year I got her a cellphone. Since last Christmas Day, she has misplaced the charging cord three times, once for a period of four months, and has misplace the actual phone countless times (matter of fact, she only just NOW found it again after losing it for a week). Her friends are constantly asking to borrow it and I think she gets a kick out it that they're somewhat jealous of the fact she has a cell phone.

    I colour coded this to help you see how different you two are:

    Practical is Orange
    Status is Pink

    The point is to buy a present she'd enjoy.
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    I think Kristy is right though. If I were to get the alternative, I think she would not appreciate it as much.

    No, you could get an alternative present..it is just that 'alternative present' doesn't mean what you think it does..

    Read this and remember the goal is make her happy at Christmas.

    Practical Substitution for an IPOD is an MP3

    Status Substitution for an IPOD is a better cellphone, or a small flat screen tv for her room, maybe a laptop , a series of spa certificates to get her nails done every six weeks for half a year. (they need to be maintained)

    The alternates are generally MORE expensive than the Nano..so count your blessings!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Last year I got her a cellphone. Since last Christmas Day, she has misplaced the charging cord three times, once for a period of four months, and has misplace the actual phone countless times (matter of fact, she only just NOW found it again after losing it for a week).

    Solution to this can be put under the tree for about $30


  • I'm a complete noob when it comes to the Ipod world and have no children, so I have nothing to offer in terms of advice other than the status of the ipod appears to be an incredible factor in teenagers lives right now. Get the Ipod.

    I've seen things discussed about 'podcasts', but have no clue what they are other than a mp3 in a different format. Kristy, can an mp3 player play podcasts? I'm sure I could google this, but since I'm here and since you guys are talking about them I figured I'd ask. Basically I'm a talk radio fan, couldn't care less about listening to music on the thing, but I've heard certain talk radio shows are available on podcasts.
  • I'm a complete noob when it comes to the Ipod world and have no children, so I have nothing to offer in terms of advice other than the status of the ipod appears to be an incredible factor in teenagers lives right now. Get the Ipod.

    I've seen things discussed about 'podcasts', but have no clue what they are other than a mp3 in a different format. Kristy, can an mp3 player play podcasts? I'm sure I could google this, but since I'm here and since you guys are talking about them I figured I'd ask. Basically I'm a talk radio fan, couldn't care less about listening to music on the thing, but I've heard certain talk radio shows are available on podcasts.

    mp3 = ipod
  • For the most part its just the name your paying for, but I would def not consider another MP3 player over an iPod as a gift.
  • anyone remember cassettes:D

    (This is a Milo post and not a philliivey post)
  • with being older, having an mp3 is no bigie, but for girls, especially teeny bop girls, it is very important.

    If you want her to be excited as hell xmas morning, splurge and get her the iPod.

    you will be glad you did when you see her reaction.
  • MP3's are to clothing as Ipods are to Abercrombie and Fitch*

    *was going to reference Bench but I knew I'd lose a few people.
  • I'd never trade my IPOD nano. It has a camera, it makes smooth clicky sounds when I turn the dial and best of all it's slim and purple like my phone ^^'

    guess that's really all there is to it
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    I'd never trade my IPOD nano. It has a camera, it makes smooth clicky sounds when I turn the dial and best of all it's slim and purple like my phone ^^'

    guess that's really all there is to it

    u haz ghey
  • philliivey wrote: »
    anyone remember cassettes:D

    (This is a Milo post and not a philliivey post)

    I still fucking use mine! it's brilliant. it actually has an FM tuner in it which is my biggest beef with the iPod. I told that to Steve Jobs when he was at UofT a couple of years ago..... by told I mean I screamed it at him from a large crowd and he didn't hear me..........

    anyway, Ipods are better than most other MP3 players in the interface itself. very intuitive and multidimensional. I won mine so I didn't worry about the fact they are wickedly overpriced.

    off topic, I thought Kristy might like this,

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    u haz ghey

    I thought the same thing....not that there's anything wrong with that.....guess we all look at icanhascheezburger.com far too much.

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Never was one who kept up with personal tech too much. It was always changing too fast and for the most part, never really interested in tech too much. My daughter, however...different story.

    Her Christmas wish list this year contains IPod Nano. Like a good father, I want to give her what she wants, but I can't wrap my head around what makes an IPod so different from other MP3's that it warrants a $100 difference in price? Looking around, I see IPods in the $180 to $200 range, while comparable MP3's are MUCH lower...from $80 to $100.

    So what's the difference? Far as I can tell, they both download music and video, and even let you record your own. Is it just the name you're paying for with IPod?

    Want to make my daughter happy Christmas morning, and would appreciate advise from others in the know.

    There is really zero practical difference.

    That said.

    I highly advise that you *waste* the $100 and buy the more expensive model if you want to make her happy.

    Buy the generic model if ...

    If you want to teach her that life is cruel and she can live without stupid name brands and save your money for therapy and bail.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    MP3's are to clothing as Ipods are to Abercrombie and Fitch*

    *was going to reference Bench but I knew I'd lose a few people.

    I am so uncool that ...

    for the life of me I can't see the appeal of A & F.

    Their clothes are awful.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    u haz ghey

    I'm 21 and I sing in a semi succesful band. I'm allowed to do all the fun stuff like go to parties with people I've never met before, fool around with 17 y/o scene girls and have a purple phone without being gay. Good times, good times ^^'

    Edit: In my spare time I also enjoy my hello kitty chocolate calender ofc ofc, today it was a hello kitty wearing a hat
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Solution to this can be put under the tree for about $30



    Please tell me where I can get one of those? Its perfect!
  • SuitedPair wrote: »

    *saved* TY!
    Buy the generic model if ...

    If you want to teach her that life is cruel and she can live without stupid name brands and save your money for therapy and bail.

    lol, awesome post!
    Richard~ wrote: »
    I'm 21 and I sing in a semi succesful band. I'm allowed to do all the fun stuff like go to parties with people I've never met before, fool around with 17 y/o scene girls and have a purple phone without being gay. Good times, good times ^^'

    Edit: In my spare time I also enjoy my hello kitty chocolate calender ofc ofc, today it was a hello kitty wearing a hat

    QfBurgeoningCougarLust (and so I can post THIS picture again)


    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Please tell me where I can get one of those? Its perfect!

    You can buy them at any big box store, they'll usually be around the photo albums, pictures box, jewelery boxes, or gadgets section.
  • My daughter has an "Ipood" onesie.
  • So how did it go?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    So how did it go?

    She went downstairs to find an unwrapped IPod from Santa. She's having a great Christmas. :)
  • When you bought it did you see enough to count your blessings? My 12yo is savvy enough to ask specifically for the Touch and NOT the 8gb one..Dad coughed up for that and I got her a laptop.

    ..she is currently playing an ancient game on her grandparent's 8 yo desktop ignoring both. :D
  • Since the first post, I had lost count of how many stores I went to to find what she wanted. Every single one of them would be sold out, and they would try to push the ITouch on me. Even my daughter thought that was a bit much, and told me she would be content with 8GB instead of 16.

    The only thing was I couldn't do was get it in purple, but black was her second choice.

    Some of my friends and co workers were telling me what was on their kids wish list...yes, I'm thankful my daughter has enough sense to know what is and is not likely to happen. She got her IPod and a Wii she didn't know about, as well as some clothes and books on her list, and she is very happy with her haul this Christmas.

    Everyone has now paid their visits to our home and have left. It was a good day, but I'm mostly looking forward to the time off now...and Johnnie's game on Monday ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    but I'm mostly looking forward to the time off now...and Johnnie's game on Monday ;)

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