Last Day, Last Minute Last Prank

So, in my infinite ability to procrastinate better than anyone on the planet, I left the most important part of moving to a new city until the last minute. No, not booking the rental truck... shit, left that too. The final prank ever.

I tried every resource I could to find an epic final prank. Hell, I even PM'd Kristy hoping for an 11th hour find. What I ended up with, while not epic, worked out rather well.

This morning, I took a stack of post it notes and wrote the following:

Please come see me when you get in. Vanessa (that's my boss)

I wrote this on about 30 postit's. I then went to punch in for the morning. Upon punching in, I placed each postit on a somewhat random time card. Vanessa arrived around 11; the fun started at noon.

First was one of the closers in my department, who kinda took it the wrong way and thought he was in shit, so he was sheet white when he looked at me and said "I've got to go talk to Vanessa (insert Vince McMahon Big Gulp O' Fear)" He comes back to the juice bar about 10 minutes later, looks at me and asks if I wrote the note. I laugh and say yes. He is confused to say the least. I explain what I did and his frown becomes a smile, along with "man, I wonder who's next..."

Unfortunately, she caught on too fucking quick but didn't catch on completely, as she removed the postit's from the time cards of anyone in the department. However, around 1pm the produce manager comes over to say goodbye and tells me "so, I got this note from Vanessa, and it was weird because I had just talked to her 10 minutes earlier..." So Vanessa goes and takes them off of all the time cards.

Thing is, she didn't know I had more of them ready :)

Beat: she caught me putting the second batch onto the time cards.

Brag: I gave one to each of the guys in the juice bar to put onto their time cards next week while I'm in BC.

Not my best prank ever (still a tie between paying my dad the rent with $425 in rolled pennies or convincing everyone at the Carrot a few years back that Jada was preggers and we were moving back to BC), but it worked out well.


  • Beat: you write like a girl. Ha ha.
  • Beat: prank pulled on forum and 2 people fell for it:),your a lil late:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Beat: prank pulled on forum and 2 people fell for it:),your a lil late:)

  • This is why you come to me FIRST..I got your msg. at 8:00 this morning.

    I don't know what I would've planned for you..but I can almost guarantee that there'd be ninjas, fireworks, or strippers involved.

    Enjoy your new city!
  • Bump.

    So, even thought the prank was extremely tame, I've managed to keep it going from across the country while in Victoria visiting family. Had Hockref call her on her cell Monday night to tell her he worked for my old job and had a note on his time card to call her. No response. Better one was the note we left on a guy's desk at Hockref's work. He knew nothing about it and called the number. Asked for Vanessa and got the Juice Bar. One of the guys answered the phone and the guy says

    "I'm looking for Vanessa. I work at XXXX in Victoria and I got this note to call her. I'm not sure who she is though."

    Guy from the Juice Bar ".... do you happen to know a guy named Matt McAusland?"

    Guy from Victoria "Umm.... Yes. What's he got to do with this?"

    Guy from Juice Bar "Sorry to do this to you, but I think you just got pulled into a practical joke."

    Contemplating getting my buddy from a cleaning supply company to call her next week and then have my other buddy that works as a tax collector for the government call too, but I think that might be taking it too far... right?
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