Eh? Eh? Check this shit out.
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 371 hands and saw flop:
- 20 out of 70 times while in big blind (28%)
- 15 out of 71 times while in small blind (21%)
- 37 out of 230 times in other positions (16%)
- a total of 72 out of 371 (19%)
Pots won at showdown - 11 of 16 (68%)
Pots won without showdown - 60
Currently running at 27BB/100 (running good but also folding lots of marginal spots also almost zero coolers) over last 1500 hands at 10 NL. FINALLY almost rolled for 25 NL. Finally actually feel like I am consistently beating these stakes as well. Its amazing how many leaks I have found in my game at this level, I think I'll share some of what I've learned in the strategy section for anyone interested.
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 371 hands and saw flop:
- 20 out of 70 times while in big blind (28%)
- 15 out of 71 times while in small blind (21%)
- 37 out of 230 times in other positions (16%)
- a total of 72 out of 371 (19%)
Pots won at showdown - 11 of 16 (68%)
Pots won without showdown - 60
Currently running at 27BB/100 (running good but also folding lots of marginal spots also almost zero coolers) over last 1500 hands at 10 NL. FINALLY almost rolled for 25 NL. Finally actually feel like I am consistently beating these stakes as well. Its amazing how many leaks I have found in my game at this level, I think I'll share some of what I've learned in the strategy section for anyone interested.