Dixie United 97 Texas Hold'Em Poker Tournament

Dixie Soccer Club's Under 13 team, Dixie United is running a charity poker tournament to raise funds for a trip to Manchester, England to train with Manchester United's Academy and to participate in the prestigious Blackpool International Tournament in Blackpool, England. The team will represent Canada and will play teams from all over Europe including Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, and Denmark.

Time & Location:
Vic Johnston Banquet Hall 355 Church Street, Streetsville. Saturday, January, 23, 2010. Door opens/Registration at 6:00pm, light buffet dinner just after 6:30pm and poker starts at 7:00pm sharp. Please be on time so that everyone can buy raffle tickets, 50:50 draw, joker poker etc. and that everyone can eat first to get the poker started on time.

Ticket Prices:
$50 (advance) or $60 (at the door) gets you a light buffet meal and an appropriate number of entry poker chips.
(Remember to bring money for buybacks, draws and raffles as there may not be a bank machine on site)

Texas hold'em poker tournament involving big and little blinds, with escalating amounts and escalating antes as the night goes on. There are between 7 and 8 players per table (maximum of 8 players per table) and we are expecting a turnout of between 150-300 players. Poker game ends once player has all the chips at the table.

All poker players are playing againist each other and not "the House". Unlimited buybacks are permitted for the first hour with an "add-on" option at the end of the first hour, but once you've opted not to buyback in, you're out for good. You cannot give your chips to another player if you decide to quit when you still have chips left - those chips are returned to "the House".

Prizes / Raffles:
Door prize - booze basket
Joker poker draw - $10 buys you a card and the winning card that is drawn wins $200
50:50 draw
Raffles - 1 Sharp Aqua LCD TV, booze baskets and/or other stuff (depends upon what the Dixie families donate).

Meals / Beverages:
Light buffet dinner includes assorted cold meats, bun/kaisers and butter, salads, assorted fruit and dessert, pretzels & chips etc.

Please contact Edwin at epatrick35@hotmail.com for more information and to reserve your seat.


  • epat wrote: »
    Teas hold'em poker tournament invoving big and little blinds, with escalating amounts and escalating antes as the night goes on. There are between 7 and 8 players per table (maximum of 8 players per table) and we are expecting a turnout of betwwen 150-300 players. Poker game ends once player has all the chips at the table.

  • epat wrote: »
    Teas hold'em poker tournament invoving big and little blinds, with escalating amounts and escalating antes as the night goes on.
    What is this Teas hold'em poker tournament you speak of?
  • Sorry about the spelling error guys. I've edited the post to correct my "Teas hold'em" to "Texas hold'em". Thanks for the heads-up.

    By the way, for anyone interested the team website is Dixie United '97
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    compuease wrote: »
    What is this Teas hold'em poker tournament you speak of?

    You guys are tough... like you have never made a spelling mistake before ;)
  • Ya know . . . I got nuthin'
  • ok on the serious side then (and there are still a number of spelling errors, lol), how about a overview of structure? This is a poker forum after all... :)
    Starting stack, blind levels, lengths, etc? Also you mention that it ends once you have all the chips at the table. Does that mean it is a shootout format? Also how much of the buyin/rebuy $$$'s stays in the prize pool?
  • Hi Compuease, are you a school teacher or what? lol. To try to answer some of your questions. First, I hear that there will be three prizes. $1000.00 for the winner (which is the guys who still has chips at the end of the night), $350.00 for second, and $250.00 for third. While there will be 7-8 at each table, there will be 250 players in total. From what I hear, the winners of each table forms new tables until it dwindles down to one table in which the last three participants are in the money. For example, we start with 32 tables. There would then be 32 opening round winners then playing on 4 tables. After that I can't speculate as to whether 1 or 2 players moves on to the championship table but I'm sure the rules would be spelled out before the action begins that night.

    I'm not sure what the starting stack is but I'm sure the convenor will make it consistant for all. From reading the original letter above I guess the blind may escalate as the night goes on, and the buyin/rebuy $$$ will not affect the prize money as that money may go directly to the team (charity).

    This is a charity event which is being run by someone pretty educated in the game. I'll post his name when I get it confirmed again. I don't think that there will be any rules which are out of the ordinary. It's $50 for an evening out with a chance of winning $1000 for any poker player worth his salt. Worse case scenario you get to help a youth soccer team respesenting Canada in an international tournament.

    PS I'll get back to trying to correct some of these spelling errors
  • Man the charity is making out big time here... lol... No random poker player, unless he also has a relative/friend involved in this soccer team, is likely to play. The reason is that way too much is going to the charity. Using your numbers of entrants (250). At least 250*50=$12,500. will be taken in. You will pay out approx $10. per head for food = $2,500. , maybe 500 for the hall?? and $1600. in prize money. That means out of the initial buyins the charity makes $7,900. Now you are also going to take in more ($10. extra) from people who pay at the door and more, (who knows how much) from buybacks/rebuys but none of this is going to the prize pool.. Based on 250 I would think this is likely to be another $3-4K. Now if we say you will take in approx $17K, pay out 2500 for food and 500 for hall, that means that the prize pool is only 1600/14,000 or 11% of the profits... That's horrendous odds for a poker player. None of this takes into account anything made from raffles, 50/50's etc...
    In summary unless someone is really supportive of this charity they would be foolish to play.
    Not only that, but have you checked with local authorities as to the legality?
  • You're right, dude. The charity does make away pretty good at these tournaments. I attended one last year where a team made $9000. I've heard of hockey teams making even more. I guess our goal is to be in the same ballpark.
    As for the legalities, I am sure that the organizers will operate this event above board. Even the people serving drinks must have government issued licenses.
    Anyway Compuease, thanks for helping me explain this tournament better. The word is out there now. Tickets have been selling pretty good, but if any of you serious poker players are into helping a charity and don't mind playing against players which are probably playing in their first tourny such as myself, it could be a chance to make some easy money and school a new crowd.
    Thanks again.
  • You're welcome and good luck with the event and to the team on their trip... However even Phil Ivey or Helmuth couldn't overcome an 89% rake against 249 random grandmothers... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    You're welcome and good luck with the event and to the team on their trip... However even Phil Ivey or Helmuth couldn't overcome an 89% rake against 249 random grandmothers... :)

    I think the main thing to focus on is that this is for fun, for people to have a fun night of poker, and if you win some money even better, but the main goal is the charity.
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