Can't Believe I'm Finally Doing This...

I've succeeded for the past 15 years in never getting one. Through all the advertising, all the upgrades made, all the peer pressure, I've yet to cave. Finally, in a month, I will lose this battle...

I will buy a cell phone.

So, with that trauma about to happen, I need some help. Having never purchased one, let alone been in a cell phone store, I have no clue about these things. Here's my needs:

-It's going to be my only phone (no more home phone), so I'll need some sort of long distance plan, either a certain number of people I can call or a good amount of minutes. Also, do minutes get charged whether I'm calling or being called or is it like normal phones and it's only outgoing?
- Texting completely optional.
- I have MSN and Facebook at home; don't have to have them (or there phone equivalent) elsewhere.
- MP3; same as texting, I have a player, don't need it on the phone.

Basically, I just need a phone to talk on. Not much else. So, any suggestions on what carrier, type of plan, type of phone will be tremendously appreciated :)


  • You are DEAD to me . . .

    Milo (last of the Luddites).
  • Aww don't say that baby. You know it's not by choice.
  • Long distance and local calls are the same on cell phones so there is no need for an additional long distance plan. I like Nokia phones. Blackberry's if you want something more techy. Beyond that I'm not much help here.
  • I can say only one thing.

    I have had to lend my Bell phone to Roger's customers on more than a few occasions when they had no reception.
  • I recently got a new phone; I get a discount at Telus so my phone basically cost me $23 a month inclusive which gives me unlimited evening and weekend calling and 200 text a month and I think 200 regular day time minutes. I never go over the $23. Usually unlimited incoming texting is also included (for all those poker club emails you get on a daily basis).

    Once you get a cellphone, you will start texting (trust me). I would try to avoid the phones with the data plans (for internet use) as its really a waste of money. Blackberrys are all the rage, but if you don't need to check email when out of the house, then save yourself $50 + a month. If your employer is paying for the phone, might as well go with the iphone or a blackberry. I have the LG Voyager and no complaints. You usually can get a free phone if you sign up for a three year commitment with the phone provider.
  • I can say only one thing.

    I have had to lend my Bell phone to Roger's customers on more than a few occasions when they had no reception.


    A buddy of mine works for Rogers in TO. He has a Bell phone for his personal use.

    Cerb, just go into the store (whichever company you choose) and tell them exactly what you're looking for. Play with several models.

    I did that when I caved 2 years ago. I bought a Sanyo. It's very basic, no camera just a speaker phone. Most phones on the market now have a camera, Internet, email, texting. I do and don't use them.

    Then get a plan that fits your needs. I have a Fab Five. I can call/text unlimited to 5 numbers, then get so many LD minutes and texts on top of that. I never come close to using them, but you might since this will be your primary phone.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: Well said JAH!
  • Ok, so it sounds like Rogers is out. That leaves, afaik, Telus and Bell. Any preference?
  • You should get one of these:


    On a serious note, I am with Rogers and don't have any problems. Other than the $430 bill I got when I came back from Europe a few months ago. Fortunately they dropped the charge to $100.

    Do you want email? Games? GPS? Phones these days have lots of bells and whistles so it really depends what you want to use it for.
  • I am with Fido, who is owned by Rogers now and uses both networks.

    Don't have any issues with reception either. I am in Montreal.

    If you don't need anything special with the phone, simply look at the plans offered by all the major cel phone companies and take the one that will be best for you. For me it was Fido because they offer unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 5 pm which was not offered by others. For example, the last time I shopped Bell's evening plans started at 9 pm. Useless? I think so.

    Anyway, once you have your plan, you will need to choose a phone. All of them have free phones with a 2 or 3 year contract. I suggest you get a flip phone, they are more compact and there is no danger of dialing out by mistake because something in your pocket hits the dial key.

    In terms of quality and reliability I have used most brands. LGs and Sony Phones were probably the best ones I had before I switched to iPhone. I used to think like you guys that smart phones are a waste of money. But now that I have one I don't know why I waited to long. So useful for so many things and seriously, who really notices a 35$ per month extra fee it's 2 meals at a restaurant?

    Nevertheless, good move switching to a cell. With the prices dropping so much over the last few years, there is no reason to have a landline anymore. I made the switch 10 years back when I got cable Internet and never regreted it. Just have to take the habit to recharge the phone, at first you might forget and find yourself phoneless once or twice ;)
  • Roger's sucks balls if you leave Ontario imo..srsly.

    I was standing DOWN FUCKING TOWN in Edmonton and Near the airport in Calgary and couldn't make a call out from either place...

    But home in Ontario, I've never had an issue with reception ever.
  • Probably just package a deal with where you have internet/cable tv
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Roger's sucks balls if you leave Ontario imo..srsly.

    I was standing DOWN FUCKING TOWN in Edmonton and Near the airport in Calgary and couldn't make a call out from either place...

    But home in Ontario, I've never had an issue with reception ever.

    It could be the phone you have... I have used mine in various countries / small towns around the world and never had a problem with reception. If anything I thought that was one of the good things about Rogers.
  • two phones, both rogers..same problem.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    two phones, both rogers..same problem.

    Confirmed, Rogers sucks in Alberta

    But, let's be honest, go with the one that gives you the best rate at downloading porn.
  • Rogers sucks in Toronto as well. My girlfriend has a Rogers phone (after switching from Telus) and for the first time in 15 years is dropping calls in highly populated areas.

    I laugh out loud when I see their commercials claiming they have the best network. what a joke.

    and their customer service.....non-existent.

    But I can't recommend Telus either.......except to say that I never drop calls.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    But, let's be honest, go with the one that gives you the best rate at downloading porn.

    hahaha this.
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