Nov. 27 Hot Stamped Casino Paulson Tourney Set Group Buy

Nov. 27 there is a sale on a solid hot stamped Casino Paulson tournament set. Details are few but they will be less than $0.79 ea, which is a steal.

I am going to order some. The two people that order the most can also purchase $5000 chips. So if anyone wants to get in on my order, hopefully we can make one of the two largest buys and get some of these $5000 chips.

A good one table sng breakdown would be 8/13/5 for T4000.
80 $25s
130 $100s
50 $500s

Your costs would be at most $0.79 ea US + shipping + brokerage. So approx 260*$0.79 = $205 US. This is approx because the actual cost will be less than $0.79, how much we don't know.

If you want to commit, post your desired quantities and breakdown. I will hold you to buying these chips at the approximate cost of $0.79 ea plus any shipping and brokerage fees, which will be fairly low if spread out amongst a couple buyers. At worst you will have a serviceable tournament set of real casino Paulson chips. At best you will have an extremely valuable collectible item.

Photos are on facebook. They look pretty hot.

The Chip Room | Facebook


Available are:
T1000 and possibly T5000 if we have one of the largest two orders.

You can order any breakdown you like, I only gave you a suggested breakdown above.


  • Me:
    240 T25
    240 T100
    120 T500
    60 T1000
    Total 660

    180 t25
    180 t100
    70 t500
    40 t1000
    Total: 470

    250 x T25
    250 x T100
    120 x T500
    40 x T1,000
    Total 660

    Running Total
    670 T25
    670 T100
    310 T500
    140 T1000
    Grand total: 1790
  • I'll get in for 600-700 chips but I can only ship through FTP/stars.

    If this works Im in.
  • Actually FT/Stars is better because there are no fees. Post your breakdown.
  • 250 x T25
    250 x T100
    120 x T500
    40 x T1,000
  • put me down for another 20 of each of 25, 500, 1000
  • Btw don't worry about padding the numbers just yet. I will work out the proper minimums to get what we want plus some extras and pm everyone.

    Hoping at least one more person gets in on this.
  • moose wrote: »
    Btw don't worry about padding the numbers just yet. I will work out the proper minimums to get what we want plus some extras and pm everyone.

    Hoping at least one more person gets in on this.

    You coming to Bristol this Friday?
  • Will try.
  • Last call to get in on this group buy. The sale is Friday. The cost is now posted at .60-.70 per chip.
  • Moose,

    As part of that sale they are selling Gemaco cards, I don't ever remember playing them are they any good?
  • No idea. I believe Zithal has some at his house but I don't remember anything specifically about them.
  • woog30 wrote: »

    As part of that sale they are selling Gemaco cards, I don't ever remember playing them are they any good?

    Pretty sure they used Gemaco cards on last season of HSP, so they must be pretty decent
  • Thanks
    jdAA88 wrote: »
    Pretty sure they used Gemaco cards on last season of HSP, so they must be pretty decent
  • Argh. Server crash.
  • Sorry dudes. I gotta go. Server was down entire time. Be back in 4 hours to try again. Might be outta luck.
  • It's working now.
  • Ok by the time I got back no Argosy hotstamps left. Sorry.

    No cards left. Sorry.

    I got the Dunes compression molded chips.

    Fuck me. I had to leave at 11:25, exactly when they got it working. By 11:41, Argosy's were gonzo. 11:44, the cards were gone.
  • Man if I had the cash I would be so in on this
  • i guess they ran out of the .25c paulsons pretty quick too then?
  • No I picked up over 300. Might still be some left.
  • Hum... I just re-read the reviews for Gemaco... Nothing great.

    I would still go with Kem over any other type of card.

    Modiano also makes good quality cards now (Plastic Acetate), so that would be an option too. All I know is that at my club, Kem cards last 10 times longer than Copag cards, and for the price difference, that is a huge saving.
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