The Mole in Vegas

Hello everyone, quick recap of day one in Vegas.

- Getting stuck on the plane in Detroit for an hour and a half on the tarmac just to be told we have to change planes and to expect another hour further delay is NOT the way you want to start a trip.

Get into town and scurry over to the Harrah's deep stack. Join in at the end of the first level, try running a couple bluffs and drop a couple grand quick to a couple locals. (in the long run it helped my table image). Go on a nice run catching a few big hands and playing quite good poker, take the chip lead near the end of the 8th level. The shit hits the fan.

I had been pummeling the guy on my right (decent player but too agro imo) who had been raising weak and I started catching some big hands and re-raising him off. Finally he has enough as he's on the BB and raises with 99. I catch JJ and immediately rr and he shoves. I call and the flop comes out blanks with 2 spades. I hit the J spades on the turn....yeah me.....oh no there are 3 spades on board and he has 9s and boom 3s on the river for flush and we basically switch spots with me down to 19k and him with ~65k. I double up with AK>AJ two hands later to help me out when villian does it again. I'm in UTG with QQ and make it 3k to go (and he rr his BB to 10k. I tank a bit and call hoping like hell not to see an A on board. Flop comes Q64 all hearts I`m afraid of the heart draw so I push the rest of my 38k and he turns over A2 hearts for the nut flush......and I continue hating him. Anyway turn and river bring no help and I`m gone.

Later I play the head hunter at TI and am running fairly well with a bounty under my belt when once again catching QQ I raise on the button to the maniac on the BB who has shown an ability to call any raise with any two cards as long as they are suited. He calls and the board comes Kxx rainblow. He checks and I bet a healthy 3 quarters of the pot. He calls. Turn comes 10. He checks I bet a full pot bet and HE CALLS again. River comes Q giving me set and making his AJs the nuts. Again I shake my head say gg and wish there were more hours in the day that I could get him in a cash game. Speaking of, I sit down at 24 limit at TI and make the rest of my bounty buy in back in less than half an hour as QQ, AA and AK hold up against a bunch of callers. Cash out up $125 when I realize I`m just too sleepy to be effective.

Today will likely be spent relaxing in front of some football with an eye on the Venetian 7pm tonight. Wish me luck. Some Pinhead luck would be nice.:)


  • ctrl+f "hookers and blow"

    = 0 out 0 found

    I don't need to read this TR to know that you failed. (I probably WILL read it, but c'mon
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    ctrl+f "hookers and blow"

    = 0 out 0 found

    I don't need to read this TR to know that you failed. (I probably WILL read it, but c'mon

    fwiw I think there was a hooker holocaust or something in Vegas cuz I was there for 4 days and didnt encounter a single lady of the night.

    But I could have been doin it wrong.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    fwiw I think there was a hooker holocaust or something in Vegas cuz I was there for 4 days and didnt encounter a single lady of the night.

    But I could have been doin it wrong.

    I was there for 8 days and didn't encounter their moms either.. :(
    Maybe they all went home for US Thanksgiving?
  • lol I didn't read this thread for 2 days because from the title, I thought it was some new reality TV show.
  • Day 2 over.

    Just got in from an all night session of 2/4 at MGM. Yummy. Tired tourists make good tablemates. Cashed $300 for the night. Saw some of the saddest displays of degen gambling ever. 1 dude shat the bed for $300+ at 2/4 in about an hour of play. An then rebought 4-5 times in the next few hours....IN LIMIT HOLD'EM!

    Earlier in the evening had planned to play the Venetian 7pm but picked the one night of the year that they didn't run it thanks to the DSE. Played Caesars at 7 instead and continued my sick run by getting it all in level 10 with QQ vs 88 preflop only to see the 8 drop on the river. I am seriously hitting the fuck out the deck until the mega coolers come to damn me to hell.

    Hookers and blow update - None, sorry Kristy, although I can confirm they do still exist.....although it's getting harder to tell the difference between those actually in the business and the ladies just showing off their wares.

    Award for the most watered down booze in Vegas must go to the IP's sportsbook. We sat there for 8 hours and never missed a turn by the waitress, and I swear none of us would have blown yellow. Fuckers!
  • moose wrote: »
    lol I didn't read this thread for 2 days because from the title, I thought it was some new reality TV show.

    i clicked this thread as quickly as possible because i thought there was a new season of the mole in vegas
  • Good luck the rest of the way, Chris!

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    But I could have been doin it wrong.

    Probably that.
  • you went to vegas and played 2/4 limit holdem?

    /end report
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    you went to vegas and played 2/4 limit holdem?

    /end report

    I know, I know. IMO the safest place to be when over tired and semi-loaded. + dead money is abundant.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    you went to vegas and played 2/4 limit holdem?

    /end report

    Redundancy: You're doing it right.

    Good luck with the Pinhead-esque luckbox. If you can't get it working, I'll happily demonstrate again Friday. Take notes this time.
  • Pinhead wrote: »

    Good luck with the Pinhead-esque luckbox. If you can't get it working, I'll happily demonstrate again Friday. Take notes this time.

    Oh I'm sure you will. People here are wondering why I run screaming from the table every time I pick up AQ.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    ctrl+f "hookers and blow"

    = 0 out 0 found

    I don't need to read this TR to know that you failed. (I probably WILL read it, but c'mon

    Okay, I won't go into detail on-line, but we did some research into this Monday and I can assure you it's much more +ev to be a stripper than a hooker in Vegas.
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