Who else on Pokerforum is going to the London Tourney (Sat Nov 27)

I'm planning on going to this $100 tournament.

Was wondering which other members of the forum would be attending.

Would be a pleasure to meet other members of the forum there.

I'm hoping to get into london in time to play in the satellites and obviously the main tourney.


  • I'm there, CanadaKev and our friend that won the BCC tournament (although he is not a member here) will be there. I will be there in time for the tournament. It'd be nice to meet other members also.

  • I'm just a new member here, but I' going!
  • Ya, Its 7:45 am and I need a quick nap before the tourney today. No sleep yet.
    I have two other lepers sleeping on my couch ready to wake up and come too.
    No way we will be up and about for satellite time so hopefully sweetjimmi doesnt shut us out when we show up looking half asleep 5 mins before two.
    If im not polite at first its cause im not a morning person, and to me 2pm is still morning.
    Ill be a nice boy come the first break, hope to meet some of yous then.
  • yo what is this tourny?? when and where are the satellites?? and where the heck did you guys find out about these???
  • Ummm... check the year dude.

  • g2 wrote:
    Ummm... check the year dude.


    A year late and a dollar short!  :D  :ah
  • wow, and i was her ethinking when i searched "london" it was displayed in chronologicxal order........

    my bad.....
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