You're breaking my heart.

You need to vote in the finals too..not just the prelims.

Support CPFers!!!

Step 1: Click link
Step 2: Vote for GIANT WALLEYE!!!
Step 3: ?? ?? ??
Step 4: Damn Balla4life gots some sweet thighs. :/

EDIT: OMG 5 more votes for him to go from 5th to 4th, 5 more after that to go from 4th to 3rd
gogogogoogogogo CPF!


  • Voted for Walleye... balla4life is gonna be tough to beat though. I think that mattjoez has an unfair advantage because he has like 6 pics where everyone else just has 1. He should be DQd
  • Tjoez followed the rules and PM'd them to a mod (brian) to have them put up...he's a great guy that should probably win...

    But that doesn't mean that I don't want to do my Damndest to rig it for a CPFer

  • Bump for OP edit...just 5 more votes!
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