Worst Burn I've Ever Taken...

Mrs. Cerberus moved back to BC today for the next 6-8 months to help her sister who is pregnant. I get her off to the airport, do my running around and come home. In checking my e-mail, a friend had sent me a link to some adult content that was supposed to be hilarious. Well, I could use a laugh, sure. I click on the link and get the following message on my screen:

The following site could not be displayed as it has been blocked due to adult content.

Ouch. She put a friggin blocker on the comp before leaving. Never even saw that one coming, but I have to admit I've been laughing my ass off ever since that screen popped up. Well played on her part.


  • At least she didn't change your online poker passwords or block this site!
  • What's wrong with her sister that she needs 6-8 months of help?

    Also GG Ms. C
  • in b4 you found a new girl:D
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    What's wrong with her sister that she needs 6-8 months of help?

    Also GG Ms. C

    Ok, rant coming, get comfy.

    Her baby sister is preggers (yay!). Doctors had told her after her first child that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant again and that if she could, she shouldn't as there would be health risks involved. I don't know the exact term (I think it's endomitriosis but don't quote me on that). Anyhow, they tried anyways as this was pretty much her last shot at having the daughter she always wanted (which she just found out yesterday is exactly what she's having, so double yay!). Unfortunately, the health problems have kicked in and she is now no longer able to work and is stuck on bedrest. Here's where the rant comes in...

    Her stupid, useless, idiotic, self absorbed family isn't doing a god damned fucking thing to help! Jada (Mrs. Cerberus) has been stressing out about this for weeks now to the point that she was in tears on a nightly basis and her job hunt had become completely futile. So, as par fucking usual, my family is taking care of it, as my dad paid for her ticket to fly home without me even so much as hinting, let alone asking. The little one is due April 1st and then, in theory, Jada will be moving back to Ontario with me. I was going to type Toronto, but I'm actually moving to Windsor Jan 1st to train full time to be a pro wrestler.

    Basically, her family is a bunch of useless morons and if I weren't such a wonderful man, I'd tell them off. However, I know that isn't my place to say such things and that when the time comes and Jada finally lets them have it, it's going to be a CPF HOF worthy moment. I'm just hoping that I have bought a video camera by that point.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    in b4 you found a new girl:D

    I lol'd hard at that one. Awesome.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I'm actually moving to Windsor Jan 1st to train full time to be a pro wrestler.

    this thread now needs pics.
  • None yet as

    1) I'm not trained yet
    2) I don't have a gimmick yet
    3) I currently look like Hellmuth but with slightly better man boobs.

    However, I do promise to post some when I'm in appealing shape and when I get trained to the point they give me a gimmick to use :)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    None yet as

    1) I'm not trained yet
    2) I don't have a gimmick yet
    3) I currently look like Hellmuth but with slightly better man boobs.

    However, I do promise to post some when I'm in appealing shape and when I get trained to the point they give me a gimmick to use :)

    Anybody else think that Kristy meant pics of Jada? :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Anybody else think that Kristy meant pics of Jada? :D

    No, I meant pics of him..but since he doesn't have 'em I guess he'll HAVE to post pics of her as a peace offering.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Anybody else think that Kristy meant pics of Jada? :D

    Not my day. Getting burned by everyone!
  • This was the best I could find...
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    This was the best I could find...

    Breast Clinic? Dude, just buy Hustler . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Breast Clinic? Dude, just buy Hustler . . .

    hahahaha. Didn't even read that. This was from when we were waiting for some test results that they wouldn't tell us about over the phone, so we took a happy pic. Turned out the results were that she had a slightly higher than it should be cholesterol count. Boy did they get ripped a new one for not telling us that two days earlier over the phone!
  • Wait a minute...just one goddamn minute here!

    Six months? Without a wife?? ALONE?? AT YOUR AGE??

    DUDE...WHEN'S THE F*N PARTY?!?!?!?!

    Seriously...host a few games!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Wait a minute...just one goddamn minute here!

    Six months? Without a wife?? ALONE?? AT YOUR AGE??

    DUDE...WHEN'S THE F*N PARTY?!?!?!?!

    Seriously...host a few games!

    Direct quote from landlord after last game I had 2 weeks after we moved in: next time, you're out.

    Definitely having some crazy nights of debauchery though. And of course by that I mean Pixar/Bad Arnold Movie Nights with the guys.
  • Hockref (my brother Steve) just sent me this over msn:

    oh, btw, I messaged mom with the link :D

  • Wait until I'm at home and you see the pictures I'm going to post....!
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I was going to type Toronto, but I'm actually moving to Windsor Jan 1st
    Cerberus wrote: »
    Direct quote from landlord after last game I had 2 weeks after we moved in: next time, you're out.

    So when's the party?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    So when's the party?
    Johnnie will bring the coke and I'll bring the hookers. I hope nobody's a stickler for classy hookers since I'm on a budget here.
  • put me down for the antibiotics to go with the cheap hookers...and a jello mould.
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