Pixar Rocks!

So, went to pick up my preorder of Up (did the preorder 4 months ago... fuck off, I'm awesome) on Blu-Ray and found out that Monster's Inc. was also released today on Blu-Ray. If you buy both of them together, there's a $10 instant rebate coupon.

Anyhow, I'm watching Up right now and I'm loving it even more than the first time. Everything is that much funnier, that much more beautifully animated and it is just awesome. The talking dogs are of course hilarious, especially Doug, but the thing I love the most about this movie is how Pixar once again finds a way to get you so emotionally invested in their characters and the story. When we watched this in theatres, both Jada and I cried (as stated previously, fuck off, I'm awesome) on several occassions. I highly suggest to anyone that has yet to give Pixar a chance because it's "animated" to give this one an honest look. It's well worth the time.

Rant over. Proceed to making fun of/agreeing with me.


  • I found Up to be the most "Disney"like of all the Pixar flicks. Starts off cute, then something terrible happens, then they lead character copes and has an adventure and then finally, the happy ending. The only other Pixar movie with that emotional depth was Finding Nemo, which is probably their best movie.

    That being said, I enjoyed Up very much, but Monsters Inc and Ratatouille are still my personal favorites.

    Don't forget Toy Story 3 opens this summer!
  • Totally agree Cerberus. I'm constantly recomending Up to anyone who will listen. For family movies, I think it's one of the best ever.

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