Buying a seat at the Fallsview Tourney no so easy

My buddy heads down to fallsview to grab us a couple vouchers for the 1k tourney.
He sits down at the only open game, 10-20NL. EP raise to $70 MP raises to $170 my buddy folds his 9,10. Everyone else folds back to EP who pushes and MP finally calls with KQ.
Flop 7,8,J rainbow. Brink, brick and EP wins with his 33. :)

I digress..
My buddy has to ask 3 different people working the floor but all of them tell him that he cannot buy in to any of the tourneys and that the only way in is via the satellites. He tries to explain to them that it doesn't sound right or make sense but they insist. The dealer checks it out on her break and tells him he can buy in at the cage, which he does.

Not so hard but not so so E-Z..


  • Sigh, I would have hoped that the floor was a bit more informed than that. But hey, youve got your seats and the rest of the field in general might come from the sat. winners so maybe this is not such a bad thing. :)
  • I have voucher #55 which I am guessing means they had sold that many as of Sunday Nov. 8..
  • esool wrote: »
    I have voucher #55 which I am guessing means they had sold that many as of Sunday Nov. 8..

    The turnout for this event is going to be really bad imo. Perhaps the $1k will sell out as more recreational players will buyin, but for the $5k everyone is in Bahamas and Austrailia at that time. That's way too much around the world and back travel.

    They'll need to do some kind of super sats in order to fill up the $2.5 and $5k events.
  • Ok the fallsview satellites SUCK!!!!!

    They are even worse than the WPT. I was there yesterday (Saturday) and well 3 of us headed down to play the satellites (looking to play the 350s). We get there and there are 4 interest lists (basically a list for each satellite). There was also no specific way they were going to be run so for the most part we never knew what satellite they were going to open up until they did some rock paper sissor competition between the floor (well at least that is what i thought :))

    Anyways they ran about 3-4 MAX from 2-8 when I was there which is absolutely obsurd. Not too mention they decided just to run the 120.00s

    On a lighter note I did get on the 5/5 table rather quick to play and wanted to play 5/10 and 10/20 and enjoyed getting called for 5/10 3x where 2x they said there was a seat and as I started to pick up my chips there was no seat. 1st time, innocent mistake. 2nd time in 1/2 hour....I let the floor know that maybe they should actually go check first the next time before they call me. 3rd time, I checked then let them know there was actually a seat and I would take it.

    Anyways, karma struck and I got stacked QQ vs 2 outer for me. I almost wanted to fold...which brings me to my dilemma...I posted it in the strategy section.
  • Greetings everyone, I am a friend of Esool ( Bill )

    I just bought my ticket today for the $ 2500 event. Got voucher # 44. The cage lady told me the $1000 event was only at voucher # 108 as of today.

    Very easy to get the ticket at the main cage. Did have to show I.D. and a players card.
  • Anyone been to Fallsview recently? Just wondering how many seats (vouchers) have been sold to the three tournaments coming up in January.
  • AK-Frosty wrote: »
    Anyone been to Fallsview recently? Just wondering how many seats (vouchers) have been sold to the three tournaments coming up in January.

    I'm feeling a little psychic, so I am going to say 108 have been sold for the 1,000 event
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I'm feeling a little psychic, so I am going to say 108 have been sold for the 1,000 event

    That was a week ago just for the 1,000 event. Was wondering if anyone had an update for all three events. And was interested if sales/satelittes were running any better?
  • AK-Frosty wrote: »
    That was a week ago just for the 1,000 event. Was wondering if anyone had an update for all three events. And was interested if sales/satelittes were running any better?

    me= dumbass
  • A friend played two $90 crapshoots on Friday night. He said the new poker table is now being used as a second satellite table. There was also a $350 turbo going on. My luckbox friend has won 3 out of 4 crapshoots so far, including a $1,050 voucher.

    Speaking of luckboxes, I won the first $120 crapshoot I played so I now have a seat to the $1,000 event. I still have a $350 and $1,050 voucher to play so
    if it looks like I don't have a good chance of defending being #1 in an online Tournament Leader Board by Saturday, I might carpool to Fallsview instead.
    AK-Frosty wrote: »
    And was interested if sales/satelittes were running any better?
  • Anyone know how many seats are still available for the $1000.00 event, Im planning to buy-in, I will probably head over the weekend.
  • I just got back from buying voucher #141. They are transferable and you need a piece of ID to purchase.
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