Advanced seating?

Are we going to know our seats for the tournaments?

It might make things go a little quicker, especially for the PLO/Stud games. Forgive me if it's already posted somewhere and I missed it.



  • Working on it...I will post *tentative* table sheets on here tomorrow night, subject to the usual changes that always happen at the last minute...usually when my team loses a player ~3AM
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Working on it...I will post *tentative* table sheets on here tomorrow night, subject to the usual changes that always happen at the last minute...usually when my team loses a player ~3AM

  • As promised:

    Guelph Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Mark 1 6 8
    Sandro 2 7 1
    Miranda 2 3 5
    Jen 3 8 6
    Paul 4 2 2
    Keith 3 5 3
    Tbone 1 1 7
    Tim 4 4 4

    Milton Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Jeff 4 8 8
    Bob 2 3 5
    Greg 1 4 1
    Mike 3 6 2
    Mark 1 2 6
    Michelle 2 7 4
    Chris 4 5 3
    Bill 3 1 7

    Waterloo Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Brad 3 5 8
    Wes 4 7 4
    Moose 2 8 3
    Matt 3 2 5
    Jeff 1 6 6
    Darren 2 4 7
    Brian 4 1 1
    Zoolook 1 3 2

    Fish Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Ryan 4 5 8
    Terry 2 7 5
    Dennis 3 1 6
    Laura 1 6 7
    Fishead 2 2 2
    Carrie 4 4 4
    Dixie 3 8 3
    Dan 1 3 1

    Top Set Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Kristy 3 1 8
    Fran 2 4 4
    Sherry 1 5 2
    Metro 4 7 6
    Sandy 2 3 1
    Amanda 3 8 5
    Eleanor 1 2 3
    Carrie 4 6 7

    Ching Hill Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    AJ 2 7 8
    Keith 4 1 2
    Chris 3 5 4
    Greg 1 8 5
    Darryl 3 3 3
    Steve 1 4 1
    Allen 4 6 6
    Dan 2 2 7

    Kit Who Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Wolff 1 2 8
    Eric 4 5 2
    Ron 3 8 6
    Chris 2 7 5
    Shopsy 2 4 1
    Cory 3 6 7
    Buzzzardd 1 3 4
    Waterlooser 4 1 3

    Mark 4 1 8
    Shannon 4 2 7
    Peteski 2 8 6
    Mario 1 6 4
    JohnnieH 3 4 2
    Jenn 1 3 1
    Timsum 3 5 3
    Shtebs 2 7 5

    Bad Beat Stud PLO LHE NLHE
    Brent 2 6 8
    Cam 3 1 4
    XXX 4 2 1
    Robear 1 4 2
    Jeff 4 7 7
    Dan 3 5 6
    Chuck 2 8 5
    Theo 1 3 3

    Not the standard format because the other one would take a couple hours to convert to something you could actually read on here. Scratch that, formatting is pretty awful once you actually preview/post it...the info is all there, 3 numbers beside your name is your 3 tables, you will have to remember yourself if you are playing PLO/Stud

    I'll have full table sheets to post tomorrow, but the above should at least help you figure out which table you are playing at throughout the day.

    Again, subject to minor changes in the next 12 hours when somebody who signed up to play Stud decides they would much rather have 4 hidden cards each hand instead of showing off half their hand.
  • 'Folded' you better watch yourself at the NLHE table #7, I'm comin' to play today!!

    Same goes for you Compuease, metro, Eric, Wes and xxx at the opening Stud game!!

    I didn't even bother looking at Limit because we all know that'll just be a donk fest, pencil me in now for 1 point.

  • Thanks Brad for always looking after this.
    Of course, thanks goes out to Sandros/Miranda for doing all they do.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    Thanks Brad for always looking after this.
    Of course, thanks goes out to Sandros/Miranda for doing all they do.

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