Didn't know - Traffic law revision

Hey all

Someone I work with just got a huge fine - $490 and three demerit points because they didn't know about a




  • what retard isn't already doing this?
  • ... lots?

  • at least we agree that they're retards
  • Well clearly....

  • I knew about this.
  • Cliff notes of law?
  • Graham wrote: »
    Cliff notes of law?

    Approaching emergency vehicles that are stopped on the side of roadway, vehicles must slow down and, if safe to do so, move over a lane, blah, blah, blah!
  • Approaching emergency vehicles that are stopped on the side of roadway, vehicles must slow down and, if safe to do so, move over a lane, blah, blah, blah!

    Oh ok... I am good, I do that all the time... thx :)
  • Sadly, while I do move over at least one lane (more if possible) I flip out at those that go slow. Didn't realize it was law... wait a second, I don't flip out about that, I flip out about the people that slow down when the fucking car is on the other side of the damned road!! You want to see a gory car wreck, rent the Pauly Shore Career Capsule!! Otherwise, quit being fucking rednecks hoping for a mangled body show!!

    Sorry, kinda ranted there. Back to original topic. Yes, very stupid for those who don't slow down and move over.
  • Watch those "amazing videos" type shows on Spike and you'll see enough reasons why this is important; right from the dash cam of the police car.
  • Yeah new as in almost 7 years ago. WTF?

    This came about after that female cop was killed on the 401 west of London.

    Also this:

    Sergeant Margaret J. Eve Memorial Bridge - Police Memorials on Waymarking.com

    Psst also pass on the info to your moron friend about the cell phone thingy and the yield to city bus law...it's nice that the rest of us subsidize insurance rates for the clueless.
  • cerberus wrote: »
    sadly, while i do move over at least one lane (more if possible) i flip out at those that go slow. Didn't realize it was law... Wait a second, i don't flip out about that, i flip out about the people that slow down when the fucking car is on the other side of the damned road!! You want to see a gory car wreck, rent the pauly shore career capsule!! Otherwise, quit being fucking rubbernecks hoping for a mangled body show!!

    Sorry, kinda ranted there. Back to original topic. Yes, very stupid for those who don't slow down and move over.

  • A good friend of mine who is a nurse was hit by traffic when she stopped to help at an accident scene ...
  • Hmm you know when you are heading into Brantford when there are 8 cops shooting a loose pig on the 403. Of course 99% of the vehicles moved to the right. hmmm....I wonder why. Joy to me to see the poor thing take it right in the head just as I passed.
  • Epic fail for the cops and the pig.
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    Epic fail for the cops and the pig.

    Actually yeah. From about 3 feet away right in the head and it was still standing. Glad I was past before seeing anymore.
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