BCC Trip Report

I was in KW for a group meeting in the afternoon, so decided to degen it up at BCC for the night instead of doing something more constructive.

Got to BCC at roughly 6pm, and was stupid enough to not call ahead as that somehow slipped my mind until I got there. My stupidity ended up costing me $150~ at the craps table before my name was called for a seat in the poker room for some min-raise hold'em. It's been 4 months since I've played any form of live poker (since the WSOP ME), and this was the first time that I've set-foot inside a casino that was not in Vegas in 2009. Going back last night reminds me of why I avoid Ontario casinos and much prefer casinos in Vegas. In any case...

While I was there for the night, there was an interest list for 5-10 Omaha which got as long as 10 players but never materialized, and 5-10 Omaha/Hold'em (1 round of each) which had as many as 3 players.

On to hold'em. Table started out tight-passive. Out of the first 2 orbits, only 3 hands got to show-down, there were 3 chops, most pots were 3 players at max to the flop. I was ready to ask for a table change except there was only 1 5-10 table going and the list for 10-20 was stupidly long. I quickly won a few pots early on, but somehow I don't recall ever seeing pots that small at a BCC 5-10 ever. After that was just a downward roller-coaster ride, with pots building up to sizes to what I remember them as in my previous visits, and hands winning pots in showdown that has no business of being in the hand in the first place.

A few memorable hands, in no particular order of won/loss, suckout/bad-beat, etc

3 limpers to lady in seat 2 who raises, gets 2 callers behind her before it gets back around to me in the BB with AA. Obv I 3-bet, 1 limper calls, lady calls and 2 LP player calls.

Flop Q82 rainbow, I bet, limper fold, lady raises, 1 LP fold, 1 LP calls, I call.

Turn 8. Check, bet, fold, check-raise, call.

River 4. Bet, Call

Your QQ is good madam, while I had the Phil Ivey look when Jennifer Tilly checked her full house to PA and said "I thought you had pockey kings". I was waiting for her to say "I thought you had pocket 8s but it never came" (YouTube - Jennifer Tilly Gives Patrick Antonius Huge Credit for those that needs to be reminded of the hand - Ivey's face at 1:37)

Next hand - UTG raise, 4 callers, I 3-bet with JJ OTB, blinds fold, raiser caps, callers + me all call.

Flop K 10 x - check around

Turn J - SB bet, BB folds, UTG raises, 3 of the 4 callers fold, 1 calls, I 3-bet, SB caps, all calls (please pair the board)

River x (that doesn't pair the x on the flop) - bet, call, fold, I curse under my breath and calls. SB's Q9o is good. UTG claims K10, guy who folded claims KJ.

Next hand

Wasn't involved in this hand but was an interesting one. Raise UTG, 3-bet UTG + 1, capped MP, 2 cold-call 4 bets and 5 players capped to the flop.

Flop 10 3 2, 2 diamonds. Capped 3 players

Turn A non-diamond. 3 players pays 1 bet each

River K. UTG (or UTG+1 leads), one of the cold-callers raises, UTG/UTG+1 mutters under breath and calls.

QJ is good Mr.Cold-Caller

Last "memorable hand"

A bit of history on villain - he is a guy who will lead out on all streets as long as he got a slight piece of it. He will never 3-bet if you raise, but will never check next street even if you raised his lead on the previous street.

So obv I get AA in the CO, 3 limpers, including villain, and I raise like a donkey thinking AA can be good twice in 1 night. Blinds + limpers all call.

Flop 10 8 3 rainbow. Check to villain, bet, I raise, everyone else fold, villain call

Turn 8. Villain leads, I raise, he calls

River 3. Villain leads, I call.

I would've mistaken him for DrTyore when he flipped over 78 except he managed to keep his pants on and not be screaming "WOOOOOOO" to the whole room can hear him.

Datamn shows up and plays at the 2-5 table next to me, and throughout the few hours he was there, he managed to amass a stack which he proudly proclaims the profits will cover his November 9 buy-in, while I stare blindly at my dwindling stack wondering if it would've served me better had I stayed at the craps table.


  • westside8 wrote: »
    So obv I get AA in the CO, 3 limpers, including villain, and I raise like a donkey thinking AA can be good twice in 1 night. Blinds + limpers all call.

    I can give you some lessons on this. ;)
  • Sorry about your luck Wes.

    As Wes stated, I was there at BCC last night, and I experienced the total opposite side of poker from what he did.

    My table would be labelled "chaser's paradise".

    Most hands were 8 or 9 players on the flop, even after a raise.

    Usually there were 7 players after a bet on the flop

    5 players after a bet on the turn

    4 players after the river - even when an obvious draw got there.

    Pocket pairs went way down in value, unless you hit a set.

    Drawing hands were amazing, since there was usually a bet, but no raises on the flop or turn.

    If you hit the hand, you could raise and 4 people would call you down to "keep you honest".

    I honestly didn't think that tables like that existed ;-).

    Made $250 at 2/5 in 4 hours, and I only left because I had to go to work the next day!
  • >Your QQ is good madam, while I had the Phil Ivey look when Jennifer Tilly
    > checked her full house to PA and said "I thought you had pockey kings".
    > I was waiting for her to say "I thought you had pocket 8s but it never came"

    Maybe she had the same feelings as the lady that I was sitting beside for a while.

    The end of a hand saw her bet, and a guy that I would say was university age raised, and she called.

    Him: King high flush
    Her: Ace high flush (the nuts on the given board).

    So, I asked her "You didn't want to raise there, with the nuts?"
    and she said "Oh, but I couldn't take that nice boys money". !!!!!!

    I guess I have to act nice for the older ladies at the table!
  • Sounds like a BCC type frustrating night Wes. I haven't been there in along time myself (Since before the strike they had a while back), but I've been getting the itch to play some limit so I think I'll make the excursion soonish.
    So you were playing 5/10? I thought you played 10/20 there mostly, no? When I used to go there fairly frequently I'd just bring a book and read until my name was up. That way I wouldn't be tempted to blow $100 (or more sometimes) on the table games or sit down at any of the excruciating 5/10 tables trying to eek a marginal profit. I found that any of the somewhat tight 5/10 tables were very -EV after you factor in the rake.
    I haven't really checked out the other Royal Cup teams yet. Are you going to be playing for Waterloo this year? If so, I'll see you there.
  • WTF? What BCC TR doesn't begin with...and I called my buddy Moose and picked him up on the way down...
  • phil's tr

    so decided to go to bcc and thought i should call moose, Dam he is not home, he is at mark's watching him take his pants off and screaming WOOOOOOOO:)

    so that is the beginning of it stay tuned for the rest.......
  • philliivey wrote: »
    phil's tr

    so decided to go to bcc and thought i should call moose, Dam he is not home, he is at mark's watching him take his pants off and screaming WOOOOOOOO:)

    so that is the beginning of it stay tuned for the rest.......

    Nope I'm at home. That must be Mark by himself with his pants off and screaming WOOOOOOOO. BTW WTF? Why are you peeping in through his basement window?
  • Sorry Moose, I was coming back from a Scrabble night... didn't think you wanted the word play before the card play ;-)
  • moose wrote: »
    Nope I'm at home. That must be Mark by himself with his pants off and screaming WOOOOOOOO. BTW WTF? Why are you peeping in through his basement window?

    no oliveoil told me, WTF was she doing at your house:)
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