what's on your mind?

Tonight at work, I had a riff of music going through my head non stop and the thing is, I could not name it and couldn't figure out where I had heard it before. Thanks to a friend on facebook, the tune has been identified and I can finally get some sleep.
I'm still not sure where I have heard it before (I'm thinking tv) because the sax part is the only part I knew but at least it's been solved.

Anyway, skip to 1:49 of this video and there it is in it's glory for 30 seconds. Wonderful piece of music IMO

So, what has been running through your head over and over? Let it out here....

YouTube - Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street


  • I heard this song on the radio a few days ago. I didn't know the title or the artist. I know it from the Simpsons.

    This song is played by Lisa at the end of the episode where they tell the story of how she got her saxophone when she was younger.

    I think it's a great song too.
  • I am thinking a lot, lately, about all the things that have "changed" over the course of my life. I was born in the mid-60's, and the pace of change and development has been staggering. I have also been thinking about what sort of, I don't know, legacy (I guess) I am leaving for my daughter.
  • I woke up with this song on my mind, I was literally singing it while I made coffee.

    "Embedding disabled by Request" But it is the only reasonable version of it..just click on the red youtube bar.

    YouTube - Statistician's Blues
  • That was awesome, Kristy/Mark. Is it wrong that I found the lady with the calculator (1.00 mark) to be strangely hawt? also, is it too early to take Snider's advice re: the 90 proof painkiller?
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am thinking a lot, lately, about all the things that have "changed" over the course of my life. I was born in the mid-60's, and the pace of change and development has been staggering. I have also been thinking about what sort of, I don't know, legacy (I guess) I am leaving for my daughter.

    doing some deep thinking there Milo! A trip to the Hill to see AJ and the fellas will make you realize that not everything has advanced :D
    Just be a good Dad, that's all your daughter will need.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    A trip to the Hill to see AJ and the fellas will make you realize that not everything has advanced :D.

  • i've been thinking that i enjoy sleeping way to much at the change of the season. i have NO desire to be awake right now. i want my warm bed and some more Curb Your Enthusiasm.
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