Capitalism - A Love Story (New Michael Moore Movie)



  • You'd think he try this out first before using it as a metaphor. This is hilarious!

    YouTube - Glenn Beck Throws A Frog Into Boiling Water?
  • Does Beck consider himself a journalist? WTF was that? This is why I don't watch Fox News. Or any American news network for that matter.

    Shtebs, I know in Fahrenheit 911 Moore doctored some of the headlines from national newspapers to get his point across. Their are other examples.
    I would be a huge fan of Micheal Moore if he didn't lie in his films. The right wing uses lies and fear mongering to sell their agenda. All Moore has to due is tell THE WHOLE TRUTH and he would be king.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    Shtebs, I know in Fahrenheit 911 Moore doctored some of the headlines from national newspapers to get his point across. Their are other examples.
    I would be a huge fan of Micheal Moore if he didn't lie in his films. The right wing uses lies and fear mongering to sell their agenda. All Moore has to due is tell THE WHOLE TRUTH and he would be king.


    If Moore stuck to facts, his agenda would not seem nearly as righteous as he wants you to believe it is, nor would his targets seem nearly as evil.

    Propaganda is fine, if you label it as such. That is why I would refer to Beck's employers as Faux News. I have no issues with Moore's films, beyond his calling them documentaries. They aren't.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    This is why I don't watch Fox News.

    Here is a better reason not to watch them...

    YouTube - David Axelrod: Fox News "Not Really A News Station"
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