WSOP Entry Fee

Hey Guys n' Gals
Just wondering if you can pre-register for the WSOP, and how much does it cost to register (is it the full 10,000). There is a league starting in my area and the top two get flight, accomidations, and entry. They have not reserved any seats yet, so I'm wondering how it's done and the latest that it should be done.


  • repost this in the ask dave sec he would know he goes every year
  • I believe you walk up to the Cashier's booth with your 10K and your in.
  • Ventrick wrote:
    I believe you walk up to the Cashier's booth with your 10K and your in.
    do ya get to keep the 10K or do ya have to actually give it to the peeps in the Cashier's booth :D

    just flash the 10K :D

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