Game 2 Signup

Game 2 is set for this Thursday night at 8pm. Hoping to get you all out again for another good game. Looking at setting up 2 tables again I hope.

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Garry
5 - Dave
6 - Allan
7 - Kris
8 - Jason
9 - Harwood
10 - Icac (tentative)
11 -
12 -


  • You have to ask?

  • with munchies in hand

    Milton Slim
  • Inament
  • Consider me in, but there's a slim chance I might not be able to make it, if I cant I will let you know for sure.
  • hi i was wondering if i join...n can u send me the n time?
  • I'll be there.
  • icac5896 wrote: »
    hi i was wondering if i join...n can u send me the n time?

    PM sent. Let me know if you're coming for sure. Game time is 8pm sharp!!
  • -1, AJ. Feeling like crap today. Don't want to risk getting anybody sick, just in case. See you next week. Good luck all . . .

    Well, except Wetts . . . he don't need it. :D
  • Hope you're feeling better soon Milo. Haven't heard back from Icac yet either so not sure if he'll make it.

    Either way, GAME ON...plenty of good seats still available...and one bad one on Darryl's right.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    GAME ON...plenty of good seats still available...and one bad one on Darryl's right.

    I'm getting visions of the inaugural Ching Hill T-shirt . . .

    A racetrack table with caricatures of the regulars, seated around it. There is one open seat, per the above quote, and a forlorn AJ standing to one side, chips in hand.

    The caption can go below, or on the back, either way . . .

  • We already have a Ching Hill tshirt. Nothing fancy, but it works. Amanda got them done awhile ago for one of the Royal Cups.

    I'm waiting for Garry and Steve to sign up so I can put them side by side again...Garry so loves to sit next to Steve.
  • Hey still planning those snacks you emailed me about??
  • didn't make it down to the Cheek store

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    didn't make it down to the Cheek store

  • Four handed seemed to take forever tonight, with Kris doubling up a couple of times to stay alive. Alas, it wasn't meant to be for Kris, and he once again bubbled, and he's going for a new Bubble Record this season of 7!!!

    Third place was awarded to Jason, an original Ching Hill member who hasn't been seen since the first season. Great to see you again Jason, hope you can make it out again soon.

    Second was Allan, who had the big stack MOST of the night, but new guy Jeff Harwood kept the pressure on and managed to take the chip lead quickly. Last hand of the game Jeff makes a min raise with AKo and Allan pushed with pocket 3's. Ace on the flop was it that was needed for Jeff to win the game.

    See you guys next week!!!
  • Great game last night, lots of fun!!!!!
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