Waterloo vs Queens Football

Sat. Oct. 10
Weather so far looks decent and I'm thinking of going to the game.

Any interest?


  • I'm considering myself...but I will probably end up trying to take some pictures from the sidelines and work on my portfolio.
  • Word. Right school at right time. Field passes for Queen's games = > Field passes to Skydome, 2 consecutive years. One Churchill and one Vanier.
  • hahaha Queen's crushes Waterloo. Next game the Queen's QB is poised to become the CIS all time leading passer, he set the OUA record in today's game.

    2 weeks - Queen's vs Laurier.
  • Go Gaels. Moose, you're an alumnus?
  • Yep and AcidJoe.

  • Good thing you specified "football". Otherwise it might have looked like some sort of Pride/Octoberfest conflict . . .
  • You do realize that Potassium Permanganate (or whatever the hell those Animals used to use) sticks to Cubes as well right?

    I'm sure any engineering grad from Queen's keeps a bottle around just in case.
  • 'sokay, I work in the chemical industry . . . no worries.
  • What the hell, do Waterloo and Queen's even have football programs? I watch Laurier every season in the playoffs and I never see them.
  • Low admittance standards + stupid jocks = Hey I can get into Laurier!

    Liberal arts school + 15 hours of class per week = more time to play football

    CFL pays like crap = where is that MickyD application form again, oh yeah it's preprinted on the back of every Laurier diploma.
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