Fallsview Tourney in new year?

Keep hearing rumblings about a tourney at fallsview for jan. 2010. Can anybody shed light????


  • 13 cards ur up

    oh wait..........................
  • January was the plan, but time is running out if Fallsview wants to have satellites. Since the AGCO will probably not approve any kind of affiliation with an online site such as PokerStars' NAPT, hopefully Fallsview will at least register the event for free with the CPT in order to attract all the CPT players from Great Blue Heron, Point Edward, Brantford and other CPT-affiliated casinos.

    I also heard that there will be no online satellites for the BCPC, :rage: as the British Columbia Lottery Corporation has decided to commit marketing suicide by refusing to partner with the CPT or PokerStars, and may try to do everything on its own.

    Oh well, Aussie Millions online satellites, here I come!
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Oh well, Aussie Millions online satellites, here I come!

    Don't forget all the Asian tournaments in the Winter. EPT would be fun as well.
  • January is the worst month to try and promote a tourney.

    You have PCA and Aussie Millions running satellites....

    The OLGA should just give up on their sad attempts to generate a poker tournament with proper structure (such as the ones at turning stone and the deep stacks in vegas). Its unfortunate that they do not see the value in holding a week long set of tournaments. The amount of business they would drum up and the additional revenue the casino will earn in the pits would surely offset the salaries of those involved.

    With Fallsview trying to be a premier gaming establishment in Canada, I would have surely thought someone would have lobbied for some sort of tournament series....even if it was just once a year.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Oh well, Aussie Millions online satellites, here I come!

    Any other site other than Cake going to run satellites?
  • Sites such as 888 have already been running satellites. I will be playing the satellites on PartyPoker.
    westside8 wrote: »
    Any other site other than Cake going to run satellites?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    I also heard that there will be no online satellites for the BCPC, :rage: as the British Columbia Lottery Corporation has decided to commit marketing suicide by refusing to partner with the CPT or PokerStars, and may try to do everything on its own.

    Damn, that sucks, was planning on going this route for my seat. I'll have to rethink attending this year.
  • Here is the scoop on Fallsview, they don't need to lobby for a tourney and they know it. They don't want online affiliations or video overlay of an online site embedded into a broadcast, number one.

    Many have tried to get a series going, but Fallsview looks at it this way. They can put a sign out front and cap whatever they want, they are in a sweet spot and know it.

    Why have to give someone else a cut? Everyone is always watching and listening to see what they do, the advertising would take care of itself.

    They are holding the ball and know it.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Damn, that sucks, was planning on going this route for my seat. I'll have to rethink attending this year.

    +1. I priced it out the other night. In order to play in every event from Nov 12-22, as well as the flight and the hotel, I'd be looking at about $5K. The phrase "fuck that" came to mind as soon as I saw that number.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    +1. I priced it out the other night. In order to play in every event from Nov 12-22, as well as the flight and the hotel, I'd be looking at about $5K. The phrase "fuck that" came to mind as soon as I saw that number.

    unfortunately, I've already booked the holidays, so the g/f won't let me change plans.

    guess I'll try some sat's there
  • I'm pretty sure I'm heading out for this. Just been procrastinating and haven't booked anything yet. Probably play the $500 and maybe $1k..but won't play the main unless I satellite in.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    +1. I priced it out the other night. In order to play in every event from Nov 12-22, as well as the flight and the hotel, I'd be looking at about $5K. The phrase "fuck that" came to mind as soon as I saw that number.

    Don't let that dissuade you. You'll make all that back ++++ in the cash games which are uber juicy during tourny time.

    I've been going for the past few years and always booked $10k+ profit after expenses every trip (even after all the hookers and booze). Only made 1 tourny cash for around $9k.

    BRAG - doubled through Brad Booth last year in a cash game :)
  • SMOOTH55 wrote: »

    BRAG - doubled through Brad Booth last year in a cash game :)

    BEAT - So has everyone else that has ever played with him.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    BEAT - So has everyone else that has ever played with him.

    Probably quite true.

    10-25 with 50 straddle.
    I raised in mp to $250, 1 caller, and Brad pushes over $20k all in with AKs. I'm sitting with about $14k and call with AA.
    Easiest $14k I've ever made.

    BEAT from that same trip last year -
    I have KK with a board of KQxQ on the turn. All the money goes in with my opponent holding AQ, last Q in the deck hits the river. LOL
  • Niagara Falls in January vs PCA in January... yeah, I could see you having a problem trying to decide where to play...
  • Aussie Millions FTW!
    Unless Fallsview runs satellites soon and I win a seat (or two). :)
    jpajamas wrote: »
    Niagara Falls in January vs PCA in January... yeah, I could see you having a problem trying to decide where to play...
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Aussie Millions FTW!
    Unless Fallsview runs satellites soon and I win a seat (or two). :)

    Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!!! OI!OI!OI! Good call, BUT:

    I be chillin' in da Bahamas mon...
  • ahhhhhh good times :):)

    i think i remember this hand, as for Wetts1012 sounds like a heads up match in the making :)
    ps... smooth 55, nice hand sir :)

  • YukonBrad wrote: »
    ahhhhhh good times :):)

    i think i remember this hand, as for Wetts1012 sounds like a heads up match in the making :)
    ps... smooth 55, nice hand sir :)



    I assume you'll be in Vancouver next week.....maybe we'll see you there
  • ill be in town for the main forsure, ill try to play some of the others as well-BCPC's are always a good time :)
  • [mancrush/]It doesn't matter what anybody think of Brad's ability, the dude is a top-notch feller to be around. Plus, when he's on TV, which is not enough, he's always entertaining, and I'm always proud to be a fellow Canadian.

    One reason for the man-crush... My wife and I were playing on a 2-5 at Fallsview a few years back, and Booth was in town for the first WPT. He decided to slum it with our table for awhile before heading out, and he played it straight, nothing crazy. Won a few hundred calling down bluffs.

    Well my wife was in heaven because she always wanted to jump his bones, and me, I was just happy to be there. She became involved in a hand with tight player. She had 10-10 and raised pre-flop. The tight player re-reraised her all-in. She had bet 35 and had about 110 left. She felt she was behind but she dearly wanted to play - she loved 10-10! (weirdo)... Anyway, she took her time, agonizing verbally over her decision, and everyone was respectfully patient. Finally she called, and immediately Brad flipped her a red-5-dollar-chip for good luck. My wife deferred, but Brad insisted. So she put it in, and the tight player flipped over KK.

    Well naturally she hit her set and sucked out. She tried returning the chip to Brad but of course he said nuh-uh. So she kept the chip as her "lucky chip", using it as a card protector and still has it. It hasn't brought her a bit of luck at all.

    Nevertheless, the experience was memorable, and Brad signed a Canadian Poker Player magazine for her without asking - he was in that issue. Then he went on his merry way.

    Booth, you're a good guy.[/mancrush]
  • YukonBrad wrote: »
    ahhhhhh good times :):)

    i think i remember this hand, as for Wetts1012 sounds like a heads up match in the making :)
    ps... smooth 55, nice hand sir :)


    I'll host that event!! Darryl and his 55...freakn guy never misses.
  • You guys are great !!
  • YukonBrad wrote: »
    ahhhhhh good times :):)

    i think i remember this hand, as for Wetts1012 sounds like a heads up match in the making :)
    ps... smooth 55, nice hand sir :)


    LOL Youll have to wait for Kristy to be finished with me first in our HUFRolz. You can have a shot at the rotting carcass that remains.
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