Season 12 SET Game

Okay, we're ready to plan this last event for Season 12. If you all hurry, and sign up before Darryl gets back, we can say there isn't enough room for him ;)

Here's the list of players that qualify, your bonus chips, and your buyin for the SET game.

DARRYL 440 $0
A.J. 410 $0
KEITH 375 $0
KRIS 355 $0
GREG 310 $50
ED 265 $40
JEFF 190 $60
STEVE K 175 $40
DAVE D 135 $60
SAM 115 $70
ALLAN 85 $80
SEAN 80 $80

Darryl gets his $120 returned as reward for being Points Leader. Along with the above buyins, we will be playing for approx $1600

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Sam
3 - Ed
4 - Sean
5 - Darryl
6 - Keith
7 - Dave
8 - Greg
9 - Jeff
10 - Kris
11 - Allan
12 - Steve


  • oh..alright then
  • Count me in.
  • Where's the Smack-talk? Jeez . . . Darryl's been off in Greece, practicing his heads-up play with some Shipping magnate, AJ's been modifying the water supply (in case his Aces get cracked by an under-pair), and no one is taking liberties? aaaaah . . . for the good old days.
  • I apologize in advance for dreamcrushing all of you.

    Better luck next season maybe?

    By the way, in for this freeroll......... oh wait. Sorry, I forgot.....
  • That's more like it . . .
    AJ, did you still want to trade those Modiano's for my Kems? If so, I can stop by before the SET to make the swap. They're poker sized, right?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    You know, its really weird. Since I put Wetts1012 on my block list, all I get is dashes.

    Therefore, until he can confirm PERSONALLY, I won't be putting his name on the list. I mean, who knows...ANYONE can be using his account right?

    Sad...going to miss his luck box style of poker. <sigh>

    oh all right...I caved
  • 5 People for the set?

    This is gonna be easier than I thought.

    Show up --->>> Make maney.
  • Kris & Allan are always late to sign up, same with the Orangeville contingent Steve & Greg. I'm sure they're in. Haven't heard from Dave yet though, but I suspect the scent of all that $$ will entice him to sign up.

    Only one I'm not positive about is Jeff. I'll send him an email to remind him.
  • My body alerts me whether I can play or not. Secretively been practicing, so as to limit my @#$R$#%@%$#@ moves!
    I'm a definite "Looks Good" but post golf sometimes keeps my battery from recharging. Remember, I'm old, go easy, speak clearly.

    Milton"Have mercy on Me" Slim
  • AJ,

    It's actually starting to look like i might not be able to make this. My Nephew is flying in from BC tomorrow night to visit for the long weekend and his flight doesn't arrive until around 7 pm. I've tried everyone that i know to pick him up and take him for the night but no luck. The only way that i can make it is a) he would have to come with me to your house to watch, and b) i have to convince him to come.

    Do you have any objections to a 15 year old boy coming out to watch?

    I would hate to miss this, it would feel like i'm just throwing away perfectly good money that belongs in my pocket.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    it would feel like i'm just throwing away perfectly good money.
    That part is true
    crazykoby wrote: »
    that belongs in my pocket.

    THAT part is funny as hell!!

    I have no objections. Besides, the way you play, you'll be out quick so he won't have to wait long ;)
  • Put me down as in, it shouldn't be to hard to convince him, I'll just tell him that i'll give him a share of my winnings after i crush all of you.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Put me down as in, it shouldn't be to hard to convince him, I'll just tell him that i'll give him a share of my winnings after i crush all of you.

    Poor kid...hope he's bringing his own spending money for his holiday if that's the case
  • Milo wrote: »
    That's more like it . . .
    AJ, did you still want to trade those Modiano's for my Kems? If so, I can stop by before the SET to make the swap. They're poker sized, right?

    Sorry, Milo, just noticed your post

    Anytime is fine with me
    I believe so, but don't quote me on the size
  • AJ,

    That's a good point, my Nephew will need some spending money. When you bust out early maybe you can play some heads up with him, he's never played before so i would say you have at least a 50/50 chance of winning.
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    That's a good point, my Nephew will need some spending money. When you bust out early maybe you can play some heads up with him, he's never played before so i would say you have at least a 50/50 chance of winning.

  • what? Not a fan of trash talk!!
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    what? Not a fan of trash talk!!

    Just believe a picture is worth a thousand words

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Sorry, Milo, just noticed your post

    Anytime is fine with me
    I believe so, but don't quote me on the size

    No worries. I'm out and about Thursday night. I'll bring them by around 7:30ish. If yours are poker sized, done deal. If not, no worries, I'll just hang onto them. See you tomorrow . . .
  • in

    most likely will be late so just blind me in
  • Everyone who has qualified is now registered to play. Should be a great game and a good way to end the season.

    The next season starts next Thursday Oct 15 @ 8pm. Hope to see everyone return
  • Surprised there hasn't been any trash talk today...just a few more hours to game all must be 'strategizing' on how you can beat me at the SET game.

    For the record, I DO hold the record for most cashes and victories at this game, and I DO plan on taking down tonight's game as well.

    Strategize all you won't help you.

  • Hey AJ
    It's been a while can you send me your address. I think I remember but just to be sure.
  • samcanada wrote: »
    Hey AJ
    It's been a while can you send me your address. I think I remember but just to be sure.

    PM sent
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    For the record, I DO hold the record for most cashes and victories at this game, and I DO plan on taking down tonight's game as well.

    They say volume > skill, so I guess you have this record by default.

    Go back to back (to back) and I'll be impressed. <--- Look familiar?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    They say volume > skill, so I guess you have this record by default.

    Go back to back (to back) and I'll be impressed. <--- Look familiar?

    DASH!!! You're back from Greece, huh? Ready to take it prison style now??

    Volume>skill? Hmmmm, ALMOST sounds like a shot at my weight...but I'll let it slide

    THIS time!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    DASH!!! You're back from Greece, huh? Ready to take it prison style now??

    Volume>skill? Hmmmm, ALMOST sounds like a shot at my weight...but I'll let it slide

    THIS time!

    OR that youve played every SET so ur bound to lucksac one here and there.
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