Moose-Fri night cash game

.25/.50 nl $50 max. Rake free

Doors open 9pm. Game ends 1 am.

1. moose
2. mmoose

I have to know you or be vouched for by someone I know.


  • This friday!
  • <tumbleweeds blow by>

    Hmm... doesn't look like it's going to fly brother...

  • I'm interested. Can you give me a general idea where the game would be, if it gets going.
  • Looks like there isn't enough interest.
  • Too bad. I'm at loose ends tonight. After Mark got hammered, I could have driven him and his car home in the back of the Cube.
  • hey moose, i dunno if you remember me but i was at the holt poker tourn a couple weeks ago- my roommate was sitting on your right, probably had some kind of bandanna on with long dark hair, i was transferred to your left, and i have blond hair and at that point still had the beginnings of a beard.

    let me know if that's cool, i will play tonight or next friday or whenever if its within bussing distance of waterloo or kitchener.
  • oh right that was for last week- well if you have another one soon ill play
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