My Stupid Trip To Rama

So I lucked out and ended up with today off from work. Same goes for one of the addicts from the bulk department, Clement. So, one car rental and an hour later, we're at Rama.

Started off alright. Made great time, as we left Toronto at 9:00am and got there for 10:10am. Made our way over to the poker room and there was a 20 minute wait for 1/2NL. We take a walk around the casino and, in our boredom, scope out the Texas Hold'em Against The Dealer tables. Clement recognizes one of the dealers and says "Don't bother, he never loses." Sounds like a challenge to me... damn that $100 went faster out of my wallet than our last trip to the Lego store.

After setting a new landspeed record for money disappearing from a wallet, we go get settled at our table. I grab $100, he goes for $200. I find that people try to attack me more when I only buy in for half the max (just my strategy, opinions are welcome as always). First hand, little prick Clement flops an open ender with 910o, rivers the J and his hapless opponent has JJ and doubles him through.

I play pretty tight for a while. Catch AKo three times in the first 3 laps (win one pre, fold one on flop, get busted by Clement's KQo third time... asshole). So, there's another $100 gone. Buy in again, and get a very brutally cold deck. Got down to $20 when I get 99 in the SB. Table is full of limpers (soooo many flops were 7-9 handed), so I shove and get called by the table gambler (who was actually making good plays with random trash but was viewed as terrible because he was catching when he made his moves) who has 45o. No suckout and I double through. Very next hand, AQd on the button, 6 limpers and I limp too. Flop A5K rain. Gambler bets the pot, I shove my $42 and he calls with A8o. Rivered the 8 and I take a lunch break.

Upon coming back, I decide it's time for a different table. 3rd hand, AsAh on the button. The blaster at the table makes it $6, I put it to $16 and everyone folds... except him. Board comes JcJsKc. He checks, I check. Turn Qc. Ewww... he checks, I check. River 4h. He bets $30... wtf? I call and he instamucks his hand. Dealer pushes the chips towards me so I toss my AA into the muck without having to show either. Next hand, I get J7c in the cutoff and make it $7. Button calls, BB makes it $15... huh? Ok, I flat call... and button puts it to $50, capping the action. BB calls and I decide it's good enough odds to call the extra $35 for the $115 in the pot. Flop comes J42 rain. BB checks, I check and button puts in his last $50. Great, I can toss it when the BB... folds his hand. Shit... shit shit shit... 4 to 1 on my money, fuck it I call. Button has A10c, no A and I take it down.

I get a couple of small pots and one decent sized one with 109c when I river the flush. After about 3 hours at this table, this hand happens:

SB $120
BB (Villain)$270
CO + 1 (Hero) $220

Blaster is UTG+2 and makes it $10 preflop. I call with 109c, along with SB and BB. Flop comes :jd :8c :7h Yay me! SB bets out $15, Villain puts it to $60. I flat and SB takes a walk. Turn :9s. Damnit, not what I wanted to see. Villain checks. I'm certain that he has a set and I don't want him getting to the river for free, so if he's going to suckout, he's paying everything and I shove. He thinks for a while and calls. River comes :7d and I know I'm fucked as I flip my cards over. Villain jumps out of his chair and yells "Full house! Send it! Send it! Get you sorry ass outta here with you 109 bullshit!" There was another 30 seconds of it, but at this point I was simply centering myself so as to not go over to him, pin his head to the poker table and pry out his teeth with my car keys. I stand up, walk over and shake his hand and tell him nice hand... and he lips me off some more. He tries to pull his hand away, but I hold on for a second and look him in the eye and say "again, nice hand. However, you're a classless asshole. You should work on that." Then I took my walk.

So, my wonderful idea of a trip to Rama ends up costing me $400 but was still a fun day, and Clement, being the stand up guy he is, slides me $100 out of his winnings to help with the car rental and the bust out he gave me. On a side note, while waiting for Clement to finish up, the villain comes out of the poker room. He sees me and comes over with a rather quiet look on his face. "Listen, I just wanted to apologize. I thought you had tried to bluff me when you flipped that over. I didn't see that you flopped the nut straight. So, uh, yeah, sorry man." I said it was alright but that I didn't understand why he did it. It wasn't an amped up game; we were all just having a good time playing some cards, so what the hell was that all about. Apparently the guys on either side of him weren't so friendly and had been in his ears all game yapping at him so he kinda let loose when he caught the river.

Meh, I still think I shoulda squeezed the jelly from his eyes. It's quite good on toast.


  • Cerberus wrote: »

    He tries to pull his hand away, but I hold on for a second and look him in the eye and say "again, nice hand. However, you're a classless asshole. You should work on that." Then I took my walk.

    That was well done. I have to work on the way I handle those situations.

    Sorry to hear the trip wasn't a pofitable one.
  • Seems like there are still a lot of 1/2NL pros at RAMA...

    You have a very calm demeanor.....I would have re-loaded and put a friendly target on his head, trying to stack him as a plan B to playing at that table.

    Tough session but you got your money in good, so nothing you can do.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Got down to $20 when I get 99 in the SB.

    Not sure why you are sitting at a $200 max table with $20? If you have $200 in your pocket, put it on the table for opportunities like your friend ran into on his very first hand. You hit a set and can only make the minimum.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Not sure why you are sitting at a $200 max table with $20? If you have $200 in your pocket, put it on the table for opportunities like your friend ran into on his very first hand. You hit a set and can only make the minimum.

    Actually, there was a plan to it for once. I was hungry. Figured I'd either build it back to my buyin or I'd bust out and get lunch, along with a mental break. Otherwise, yeah, kinda lame way to play.
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