The Bristol Street November Nine - Nov. 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th (Waterloo)



  • Hey Rob,

    I am sadly going to have to bail on this one, we just got word that we have to lay someone off and everyone has to cut back hours.

    This comes at a crappy time I really wanted to play.

    Sorry again.
  • Sorry Rob I guess I am out as well.. I will be in Vegas for the 2nd one (Nov 11 ) and I only get back the morning of the 2nd (Nov 18 ) after a red eye so don't think it would be +ev for me.. GLA, I would so much have liked to have won this.... Will think of you guys while I'm watching that "pretend" Nov 9 group at the Rio.
  • No worries.

    I have this feeling that, by the time we start, we'll be down to two tables. :)

    One week and one day to go!!
  • Not all the donks are backing out, I'm officially confirming!

    Still easy money to be made now people, Hop on back into the pool with me!

    Yes, I am excited to be tired at work every Thursday in November
  • I'm most likely out with the trips coming up...but I will confirm by next week.
  • Is it November yet?!?!!?

    Hey, wait... it is!!!!!
  • Only two more sleeps!!
  • If you still have room Rob, I've got too more suckers, I mean players to bring along. Chris W and Rheal.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    If you still have room Rob, I've got too more suckers, I mean players to bring along. Chris W and Rheal.

    Well done. You should get a rebate for bringing THREE suckers to this.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Well done. You should get a rebate for bringing THREE suckers to this.

    So you still need a ride then?
  • Out. Have to work tonight and possibly next Wed.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Out. Have to work tonight and possibly next Wed.

    Booooooo! Who is going to organize $1 HU PLO flipament for me to win now? I was planning to pay my buy-in giving lessons :(
  • I'm out as well. I would have loved to have played this but with a 4-day old and all I have other responsibilities (as you can imagine). Plus I'm playing the Royal this weekend and well,it's just not good timing.

    Gl everyone, would have been nice to see you tonight. Hopefully see you Saturday!

  • i will be late please blind me in
  • stpboy wrote: »
    I'm out as well. I would have loved to have played this but with a 4-day old and all I have other responsibilities (as you can imagine). Plus I'm playing the Royal this weekend and well,it's just not good timing.

    Gl everyone, would have been nice to see you tonight. Hopefully see you Saturday!


    Did anyone else hear this song playing in the background while reading this post:

    YouTube - Queen - Another One Bites The Dust

    wife+kids=death to poker ;)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Did anyone else hear this song playing in the background while reading this post:

    wife+kids=death to poker ;)

    Yep, just wait till you get married Kristy, your footloose, fancy free days will be over too when your wife puts the kibosh on it. (yes, I did. I just used "Footloose and Fancy free" as well as Kibosh in one sentence. beat that)
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    Yep, just wait till you get married Kristy, your footloose, fancy free days will be over too when your wife puts the kibosh on it. (yes, I did. I just used "Footloose and Fancy free" as well as Kibosh in one sentence. beat that)

    So cannot wait for the response to this. What's the word I'm feeling...? oh yeah GLEE
  • Just so people know what to shoot for in amassing chips for the final table I ran an Excel simulation of 1000 random tournament results and it showed that your safest bet is to have 14000 chips after the 3 prelim tournaments. It is still no guarantee but your chances are about 90-95% to make it if you have 14000 chips. Below that number your chances start to decrease almost exponentially (at 11000 chips you have about a 0.1% chance of making the final table)

    14000 chips = 2nd+15th+22nd or 3rd+9th+20th or 5th+9th+9th
    (and many get the idea)
  • So, what are the results from last night?

  • Soooo... who won? I was courteous enough to get eliminated so you could form the final table. Now I'm curious to find out how thinks finished off.
    It was pretty cool playing at Rob's again after all this time. It was also nice to finally put a face to some of the members here that I haven't met yet and my new teamate Peteski. I also had the good fortune to be seated between 800 Over and Kristy Sea so that was doubly fun. Well up until Kristy eliminated me with her Q5 off :*( It was the right play since I was so short stacked but imagine my joy to be all in blind and find I was dealt Ad6d and was up against Q5 only to loss. Oh well.

    Vengeance will be mine!!! On Saturday would be nice. See most of you then

  • Evening #2 begins tonight! We'll see you all there this evening!!
  • The final pre-lim evening is now just hours away!! Between a few people having a now guaranteed spot in the finals, to some poor sucker that might have a chance, but only if I... err... he gets first tonight, the action should be very, very interesting.

    Check out the results thread for the latest in analysis for tonight's event! By the end of tonight, our Bristol Street November Nine will be set.
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