Secure Line of Credit - All Banks Raising Rates?

I have a secure line of credit w Scotiabank that use to be at prime. Back in October, I got a letter from the Bank telling me that the rate was being increased to prime plus 1%. I saw an article in the Globe today that TD is also following suit. Are there any Banks that currently offer secure lines of credit at prime? Not sure if I can get a secure line with another Bank if my mortgage is with Scotia?

I have been using my line to pay down my mortgage which is currently at 4.8% and doesn't mature for another two years. I am still saving money but the net savings was cut in half when they increased the line to prime plus 1%.


  • Try a Credit Union.

    My line of credit is at prime + 1/2%, always has been. Had it for over 10 years now.

    Credit unions >>> banks, imo. At least, for all the "normal" banking stuff.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Try a Credit Union.

    My line of credit is at prime + 1/2%, always has been. Had it for over 10 years now.

    Credit unions >>> banks, imo. At least, for all the "normal" banking stuff.

    Milo, I couldn't agree more.
  • A couple examples:

    My account just started being debited a monthly fee in January 2009, so that I have unlimited cheques, Debit payments, etc.

    Cost? $6.00

    I just started having to buy cheques in 2008. Prior to that, a new box of cheques was a phone call away, gratis.

    My Credit Union has paid me almost $15k in the last several years for doing nothing other than banking with them. I like free $$$ . . .

    I will NEVER deal with a bank if I can avoid it.
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