Game 12: Tight Race

With Darryl's win last week, he's now the Points and Money Leader once again, but I'm not out of the picture yet. And Keith could pull off an upset on us both with another win. Anythings possible on The Hill!!

Just a reminder, I still need to hear back on moving the SET game to Oct 8 to accommodate some players on shift work and others with family obligations. If the 8th works for everyone, it works for me, and I can start the next season on Oct 15.

So who's in for the final game of the season??

1- AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Rocky
4 - Anthony
5 -
6 - Kris
7 - Allan
8 - Steve
9 - Greg
10 - Dan
11 - Trevor
12 - Jen
13 -
14 -


  • In order to qualify for the SET game, the following players MUST attend this last game:


    The following list of players have already qualified to play the SET game:

    Dave D
    Steve K

    If you're name is not on either of the top two lists, you did not qualify for the SET game, however you are more than welcome to join us in the season's last regular game this week.
  • I am out for #12 so far. Last week we had some parts issues and were sent home a couple of days, if it happens again, I'm in.

    Oct 8th works for me
  • Good to go.
  • In.

    I heard Darryl's bringing souvlaki . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I heard Darryl's bringing souvlaki . . .

    Darryl who? No Darryl has signed up. Can't even remember if there ever WERE a Darryl. You must be on something there Milo
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Darryl who? No Darryl has signed up. Can't even remember if there ever WERE a Darryl. You must be on something there Milo

    I blame the humous . . .
  • Wow, that's weird

    I see a blank entry on this thread. Wonder who could have done that? Hope it isn't someone wanting to play this week and they forgot to write their intentions. Yep...totally blank post above...nothing there at all...moving on now
  • In...

    I have no problem with moving of the SET game to accommodate everyone.

    Who is that Darryl you guys speak of????
  • AJ, if you would like a designated dealer for the SET, I might be able to make it. Let me know . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    AJ, if you would like a designated dealer for the SET, I might be able to make it. Let me know . . .

    I'll keep it in mind Milo.

    How do you look in a skirt and high heels anyway?
  • That was a youthful indiscretion!! And besides . . . uhh, I mean . . .

    Why do you ask?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    So who's in for the final game of the season??

    5 -

    the head games are in full swing!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    the head games are in full swing!

    "head games"... oh Ed. Do you really want go down that road, again...???
    I'm going to leave the: "full swing" alone...
  • No word yet from Romer and/or Garry. Think I'll send them an email to tell them how close they are

    Still plenty of seats available for the game. Especially the one for
    whomever that may be.
  • This just in.
    identity has been confirmed.

  • Hey AJ,

    As always i'm a strong maybe.
  • In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In i say!

  • In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In i say!


    Wow...another HOLY CRAP, WHERE YOU BEEN?

    What about Easy? She in too??
  • No it will be just me, we both will be out hopefully soon tho :)
  • No problem, you both are always welcome anytime, you should both know that

    Looks to be a pretty good game tonight. I have to go to the kids' highschool for a meet'ngreet but should be back in plenty of time to set things up.

    If more players signup, I'll see it when I get back.
  • In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In i say!




    <like you had a plan...ha>
  • I got the permission, so i'm in
  • Good to know Greg. Thanks

    If we get 2 more players, we have 2 tables, otherwise single table tonight
  • I can't believe it!


    Please welcome Trevor and Jen from Bristol Street fame! They have always had an open invitation to join us anytime, and they are in the area tonight and looking to play.

    Great to have you both come out!!!

    okay, maybe a bit premature, but I'm hoping you both can make it out
    game starts at 8pm, but you have 40mins after that to make your seat
  • Crazy start to the festivities tonight. Straight flushes, quads, set over set, straight over straight . . . and that was just hands I was involved in.

    Out early, but I managed to spoil AJ's victory dance. Darryl, I'll expect a nice bottle of Ouzo when you get back, assuming Keith doesn't reel you in.
  • Keith couldn't get her done tonight either, and Darryl is once again the Season Points and Money CHAMPION. What's that now...three in a row?? Man, what a rush.

    Trevor came...and CONQUERED The Hill tonight! Headsup with Rocky with a 7:1 chip lead and Rocky just couldn't get it done. Third went to Steve and Kris was bubble boy yet again.

    I'll update the points board and post tomorrow night, but you can be sure that Darryl is heading on his little vacation with a HUGE grin and his trade mark Hehehe laugh of his.

    Thanks for making the season a great one everyone. See all those that qualified for the SET game on Oct 8. The new season will start the following week or the week after that.
  • Good things come in 3's.

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