Bristol Street Info

Hey all,

After taking a nice year off, the itch is beginning to return, so I just wanted to let people know that there will be a 2010 Bristol Street season. I'm sure the time away from the game will reduce numbers overall, but I'm looking forward to getting some fun games going again.

For the remainder of this year, I have two plans....

First, the 2009 Merry Xmas Maddness Tournament will be on! The date I'm currently looking at is Saturday, December 12th. It's a little earlier than normal, but the best weekend available for me. Keep the date clear and look for a real invite in the next month or so.

The other tournament I'd like to run, is one that I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on. I'm calling it "The Bristol Street November Nine" and would take place over every Wednesday in Nov.

The general idea is that it's a KW Grudge Match style competition, with 3 weeks of pre-lims to earn chips/points, then a final week where the Top 9 in chips/points compete for the money, with chips earned in the first three weeks carrying over to the finals.

Basically, I'm looking for a little feedback here;

- Since I haven't run much this year, I'm wondering if I can set the buy in a little higher. (Like in the $100-200 range)
- Should part of the pool be paid out each week, or just in the finals?
- Any other thoughts.

I'll be posting something about this one soon.

Finally, the one thing I won't be having is any sort of Player of the Year or Grand Champion for 2009. Based on the efforts it's taken in previous years, it would be a dis-service to past players to base something like this on only a handful of tournaments in late '09.


  • $100-$200 per week? I don't think so. $100-$200 total? ok. Most of the pool should be paid out each week.

    The Grand Final is an excellent format. I'd like to see a Jour de Poker using the same format as the Grand Final for $50-$150.

    Also a heads up tourney with the first two matches held at your place and the middle matches scheduled by the opponents and the finals back at your place.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    First, the 2009 Merry Xmas Maddness Tournament will be on!
    Thank goodness! IN!
  • Yeah. Just $100-200 total. So, for example, if it was $200.

    Weeks 1-3: $20 of the buy-in goes each that week to be paid out to the top X.
    Finals: The remaining $140 is paid out.

    Assuming 18 players, and top 3 pay out each time, that would create the following payouts....

    Prelims: $180/$100/$80

    Finals: $1,260/$756/$504

    Or, may it a $100 buy in with $10 going in each week and half the above.

    Other ideas are very good and I'll keep them in mind.
  • Welcome back!! I missed you so....

    Sounds like a great idea. Would you have some kind of handy capping for the amount of (A) chips or would it be a last 9 left standing from each week get exactly that amount of chips (B)? (or some other option i haven't come up with) and if you use option B does that mean the tourney only goes till we reach 9? (I'm obviously voting for A). You have to give out most of the money each week (It's your tourney you don't have to do anything) or you'll lose players in the third week if they don't really have a chance to make the top three.

    EX. A

    x3 weeks

    1st 2000 chips
    2nd 2800 chips
    9th 1200 chips

    or B

    action stops at 9 and you write down the stacks to make it the final table....
    ie player finishes
    with 22000 chips in week 1
    with 7600 chips in week 2
    with 0 chips in week 3
    for a total of 28600 for the final.

    oh yeah and .....IN!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Hey all,

    After taking a nice year off, the itch is beginning to return, so I just wanted to let people know that there will be a 2010 Bristol Street season.

    And again....

    I jizzed in my pants.

    It all sounds great to me. Just looking forward to more live poker.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Welcome back!! I missed you so....

    action stops at 9 and you write down the stacks to make it the final table....
    ie player finishes
    with 22000 chips in week 1
    with 7600 chips in week 2
    with 0 chips in week 3
    for a total of 28600 for the final.

    oh yeah and .....IN!

    Thanks. :)

    The chip thing would be more like the Grudge Match. Each week would play down to a winner, and the place you got would determine the amount of chips that would be carried forward. For example...

    1st - (13,000 chips)
    2nd - (10,000 chips)
    3rd - (7500 chips)
    4th - (5500 chips)
    5th - (4000 chips)
    6th - (3000 chips)
    7th - (2500 chips)
    8th - (2000 chips)
    9th - (1500 chips)
    10th-12th - (1000 chips)
    13+ - (500 chips)

    So, if a person finished 2nd, 4th, and 18th, they would have 16,000 chips for the finals. The top 9 in chips would be the only players playing in the finals.

    Unless we have a crazy amount of people, getting a 1st or 2nd one week, almost guarantees you a spot in the finals, so it'll be hard to mathematically eliminated anyone after only 2 weeks.
  • Hey Rob,

    I'd like to book a seat for November.
  • Where is the Bristol Street?
  • Count me in for MC madness.......
  • I'd be in for $100!

    Can't wait for Merry Xmas!
  • Has it really been a year since bristol street...... I'm in for the next 3 if I can work it
  • Zithal wrote: »
    First, the 2009 Merry Xmas Maddness Tournament will be on! The date I'm currently looking at is Saturday, December 12th.

    Can you confirm this date Rob?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Can you confirm this date Rob?

    Oh ya that would be somthing I would not want to miss!
  • The date is 100%. I think that's my only free Sat. for the entire month. :)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    The date is 100%. I think that's my only free Sat. for the entire month. :)

    Thanks! Looking forward to it!
  • I'll get the official announcement out soon!
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