Game 11; Down to two!

My dismal performance the last two games and Darryl's decent placement has created a much smaller gap between him and myself for the Points leader title, and with only two games left in the season, its going to be quite the struggle to see who comes out on top.

For those who still need a game or two to qualify for the SET game, you better make plans on attending the last two games.

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Sean
4 - Ed
5 - Darryl
6 - Kris
7 - Greg (tentative)
8 - Allan
9 - Steve
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • I shall be there this Thursday. It hopefully will be a good warm up for Friday's OPT game
  • find a new bubble boy

    Will be in Halifax

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    find a new bubble boy

    Will be in Halifax

    awwww come on Dave. Who else at that table is going to let me off the hook by showing me their nut hand before I make the call?

    have a great trip!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    awwww come on Dave. Who else at that table is going to let me off the hook by showing me their nut hand before I make the call?

    have a great trip!

    Up until now I thought everyone would do that, except for that straight flush fella, you know who I mean

    Good luck All

    I'm really just pacing myself for the big game at the end!!!!!!!!!

    Milton Slim
  • Hey AJ
    I am still about 50-50 on if I can make it.
    Do you the rough count on how many for the SET?
    I will let you know ASAP about tomorrow
  • You mean how many players?
    Currently 11 have qualified, but there's still more that can get the last two games in to qualify as well. Might get 14 or 15.

    If you mean if you have already qualified or not, yes, you have.
  • providing it's not against any of the CH rules or that AJ just doesn't want such shenanigans at his tables; for this game, I am going to institute a "show me your cards" policy. I am offering each player a one-time opportunity in the game to make me expose my hand. The only stipulation is that at the end of the hand, it must be just you and I left and it doesn't matter if you won it or I won it.

    It may seem a little gay and unimportant but what the hell, sometimes I'm like that ???
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    It may seem a little gay... I'm like that ???

    I KNEW IT!!!

    He pretends to be all nice and such but really there is a hidden agenda...

  • ACDC wrote: »

    Coming from Kris, this is the funniest thing I EVER heard!
  • AJ, I know that the seating is done by the computer on random bases but, if it happens that I'll be seated next to Ed at the tonight's game... It will be highly questionable!!!
  • ACDC wrote: »

    Well, so much for that . . . OUT.

    I guess I'll play spoiler NEXT week.
  • Hey AJ,

    Put me down as a maybe. Won't know until early in the evening.
  • ACDC wrote: »
    I KNEW IT!!!


    That's not a problem we all know you'll only ever show 7-5 o/s anyway!
    Oh, you mean "THAT kind of exposure". It's probably best that way.
  • remember me...IN
  • ally wrote: »

  • ally wrote: »

    holy crap!!! Welcome back!!!
  • Still plenty of seats available for the late comers. Just post here or call my cell before game time and I'll have a seat open for you.
  • Just remembered...somebody in the last two weeks said they had a copy of Mike Matusow's book that came out recently and volunteered to bring it out for me to read. Can't remember who that was, maybe Greg?? but I would like to read it if you don't mind.

  • In next week, no golf, so Poker.
    Winter will be better.
  • I'll put you down for sure Rocky

    Well, Darryl has once again regained the Points Leader and Money Leader positions tonight after taking down first place. Keith and him were headsup at the 50/100 blind level, each with about 50 big blinds each, so it took awhile to determine the winner. Keith put up a hell of a fight, but Darryl just couldn't be beat tonight.

    I came in third place to at least threaten to regain the lead next week from Darryl and Kris was our bubble boy once more.

    Here's the point standings after tonight's game:

    DARRYL 412.64
    A.J. 394.67
    KEITH 355.55
    KRIS 318.35
    GREG 294.24
    ED 261.38
    JEFF 189.99
    DAVE D 130.34
    STEVE K 128.41
    ROMER 117.78
    SAM 110.57
    GARRY 107.46
    JEFF C 80.51
    SEAN 78.52
    ALLAN 60.72
    DAVE L 57.62
    JAY 49.49
    ANTHONY 33.08
    MIKE 23.26
    ROCKY 18.85
    JOE 18.04
    STEVE 16.54
    ROB 14.05

    Next week will decide once and for all who the season champ is going to be. This is once of the closest races I think we've ever had on The Hill, and the last game of the season should be a good one.

    BTW...due to the work schedules of some players, as well as family commitments of some others, I'm considering postponing the SET game for two weeks, to be played on Oct 8. I believe this is the only date where ALL qualified players can make the SET game. Please advise me if this is acceptable or if there are other issues that need to be considered.

    Also, I want to remind everyone that Ching Hill will once again put a team in the Royal Cup of Poker, being held in Kitchener most likely early October (Saturday for sure anyway). If you can play either Omaha High OR Stud, and can commit to a full day of poker, let me know.

    See everyone next week.
  • I can play both. Better at Stud, but I can practice . . .

    Let me know. I've been following the RC VII thread a little.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I can play both. Better at Stud, but I can practice . . .

    Let me know. I've been following the RC VII thread a little.

    Thanks Milo, I'll put you down on the team list. So far, its just you and me...even so, the field is weak, we can still dominate ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Thanks Milo, I'll put you down on the team list. So far, its just you and me...even so, the field is weak, we can still dominate ;)

    Do I really need to confirm this?

    In obv. (Omaha)
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Do I really need to confirm this?

    In obv. (Omaha)

    I AM glad to hear that. You never said anything, so wasn't sure. Thanks Darryl, you're in.
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