OLG Thousand Islands Trip Report

On the waiting list. Leaving shortly...


  • So called in about 8:10 pm and left a little later than I wanted and got there about 9:45 pm. Note: from the Ambassador hotel in Kingston it is a short drive to the 401 and about 20 min door to door to the Casino. The casino is right off the 401 so you owe it to yourself to stop in if you happen to be heading eastward past Gananoque. Even if you have your family with you, you can drop them off at the waterfront and put them on a 1, 2.5 h or if you are feeling really degen, 5 h boat ride touring the 1000 Islands on the Gananoque Boat Line. An adult admission gets you $10 in slot play. We went for the 2.5 h cruise earlier in the day so I returned to the casino with two coupons in hand. More on that later. If you search the net 10% off coupons can also be found.

    Anyways I arrive and there is only one 2-5 table going and I am still 5th on the list! However people started leaving and I got a seat by 10:30 pm. People came and went all night but mostly we averaged 8 handed play until I left at 3 am. Note while I waited I cashed in one of my $10 coupons and had an exciting time of approximately 25 sec spinning $5 away on a $1 slot and another 45 sec of non-stop thrills on a .25 machine. Why people find these things fun is beyond me. Anyways it was one coupon per day per person so when I sat down I let the table know that the coupon was up for grabs for the 1st bad beat I put on someone.

    Of course it is 2-5 bingo poker so it's not me going in with the worst hand very often. Finally about 1 am I got into a 5 way capped pot with QQ and I warmed up my coupon. Of course the board finishes runner runner flush, the 3 of us left check the river down and my flopped set is no good of course. Guy to my left flashed KK so the guy on my right who limped in J7s, and then called 2 cold after I raise and KK guy reraises preflop saves me from handing over my coupon.

    I was down the entire night and I finally struggle back to within $9 of my buyin and I decide to leave around 2:30 am. Of course during that last lap I limp in with K9s on the button 5 ways, board flops K high 3 spades, checked to me so I bet. sb comes along, check calling the entire way, hitting his gutshot on the river, no spades of course. A few hands later I pick up AA and figure ok my chance to go home up a bit, 2 spades on the flop and same guy to my immediate left raises when the 3rd spade comes on the turn. Tilting a bit now at having lost 2 pots in the orbit when I was going home, I pay the dude off. Gritting my teeth now I decide to play on. I decide to go for a walk and see if I can cash in the second coupon, being past 2 am now, they honour the coupon and I return to the table with $10 in vouchers.

    Well the guy to my left, having won a couple nice pots now decides he is bored and raises every single hand for the next orbit. I finally decide that 3 am is my absolute limit so I limp in UTG + 2 with A7s, goof on my left insta raises, someone 3 bets, most of the table comes along and wild dude on left caps it and we see the flop 5 handed. Flop comes 986 rainbow. Flops goes two bets and we drop a player. Turn comes a beautiful 5. I bet, wild player on my left raises, dude on my right comes along for 2 cold, everyone else drops out and I 3 bet and we go to the river 3 handed. River comes a 10, I bet, wild dude flats and 3rd guy drops out. Wild dude shows 59s for turned 2 pr and dude on right claims 65. I muck the next two hands, count my chips and I am up a whopping $4.

    Woot. Time to spin some more quarter slots and go home. I find a nice looking machine that lets me max bet at .75 a spin. I spin a few times and cash out $1.50. Ooh baby! A few more spins and the thing starts going haywire. Double bar, double bar, 12times. Ding ding ding. 760 credits or something, note credits, not quarters. You don't even get the thrill of hauling up a couple buckets of quarters anymore to the cashier. A sad looking slip of paper that at least quite nicely said $180.

    So I sucked at teh pokah. $4 profit for 4.5 hours. I excel at the random games, $181.50 for about 1.5 min. Hobbes I know is laughing his ass off right now.

    Some side notes. Friendly floor and competent dealers. However the place is a bit too friendly. Everyone knows each other and the dealers let the players get away with stuff that fortunately didn't really affect me but I sure would have raised a stink if it had. First of all it was pretty common for the players to be showing their hands to the players around them while play was going on. It was so common that more than once the players would forget who was still playing and show their hands to people still in the hand as they mucked. Dealers did nothing about this. Also this one old lady who was terrible and obviously played there all the time had the habit of coming to the pot with a single chip in her hand. AFAIK this should qualify as a one chip call but time and time again the betting would go like this: she limps or bets for $2, someone would raise and she would come in with a single $5. Sometimes she would remove her two whites, meaning call and sometimes she would remove a single white, meaning raise. She does all this without saying a word. Both cases to me would be a single chip call but the dealers permitted it. You be the judge.
  • moose wrote: »
    So I sucked at teh pokah. $4 profit for 4.5 hours. I excel at the random games, $181.50 for about 1.5 min. Hobbes I know is laughing his ass off right now.

    You know me toooo well.
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