Game 10; The Race to the SET Game!

Only 3 games left to qualify for the SET game. I've noted all players who still need to qualify below, along with how many more games they need to play. If you don't make the last games to qualify, you can't play the SET game.

STEVE 3 MORE GAMES REQUIRED (NOT Steve Kerr, the other one)

I'm currently sitting on top of the Points Board with about a 50pt spread between me and Darryl. Greg has moved into third place after last week's victory and is threaten to take it away from me as well, but thats a pretty big spread to be gaining ground on. The more players we have to each game though, the better the points will be so it pays to play now.


Seeing as how I'm on vacation this week, I'm going to open up a CASH TABLE Thursday night as well. It'll be 1/2 NL, min 40 max 100, and will run until I shut it down whenever. You do NOT have to be a league member to play the cash game, but the tournament event will run first and when we merge, the cash table will be set up. If you're interested in playing the cash game, let me know via PM.

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Ed
4 - Kris
5 - Darryl
6 - Jeff (MyMoon)
7 - Dave D
8 - Steve K
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • I shall be there Thursday
  • In provided I have no flight delays.

    Planned to land at 230p so I dont think theres gonna be a problem.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    In provided I have no flight delays.

    Planned to land at 230p so I dont think theres gonna be a problem.

    How is Winnipeg? They got snow yet ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    How is Winnipeg?

    ( ) brag

    (x) beat
  • Maybe .. trying.
  • I'd most likely be in for a little 1/2 action seeing how I don't have to work on Friday.

    Come on fellers, season is winding down, make your statement while you can!
  • I turn 19 in the middle of the month so you can expect another consistent member when the next season opens up :)
  • You will be more than welcome Suppa! Not sure when the next season will start yet, but keep checking back here and I'll post it.

    Meanwhile, if you can PM me your email addy, I'll add you the mailing list now so you can see the file I keep for each season. It will also alert you to the start of the next season as well.
  • GAME ON! I know the list is a bit short, but I'm still hoping to see it fill up today.

    BTW...please ignore the disorganized chaos. In the middle of painting the kids room and her stuff is literally EVERYWHERE.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    GAME ON! I know the list is a bit short, but I'm still hoping to see it fill up today.
    Regular game or the cash game???
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Regular game or the cash game???

    Regular game first. If enough players are interested, I'll start the cash table. If not, it won't run.

    Still hoping to fill up today for the tournament though. Where IS everyone?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Regular game first. If enough players are interested, I'll start the cash table. If not, it won't run.

    Still hoping to fill up today for the tournament though. Where IS everyone?

    Sorry guys having some money flow ( it's not flowing ) problems I hope to be able to be there next week
  • Jeff just got 'permission' to join us tonight, so there WILL be a game. Plenty of room left for any late comers

    BTW...I think Steve Kerr asked me once what the PF was for my game. I knew I had it somewhere, and finally found it. With the current structure, the PF is 7.65 with a Skill Level of 5.

    Last week, some inquired about perhaps changing the structure for the next season to one more closely resembling the $1500 buyin WSOP events. I'll review the structure shortly and see if it can work out for the league, but with the time constraint, might not work out so well, but I'll look into it.
  • No more people sign up, and I can't do any worse than 7th!

    Best offer I've had, See you before 8:00

    Milton Slim
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Last week, some inquired about perhaps changing the structure for the next season to one more closely resembling the $1500 buyin WSOP events.

    If you decide to go that route AJ, I have some very nice and slightly underused Paulson Pharaoh denominated chips that I would gladly loan for the cause ie. bring each game and leave them there till the next week if I get the boot early. see you all tonight
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Last week, some inquired about perhaps changing the structure for the next season to one more closely resembling the $1500 buyin WSOP events. I'll review the structure shortly and see if it can work out for the league, but with the time constraint, might not work out so well, but I'll look into it.

    AJ I run my games following the WSOP $1500 buy in blind levels, with 30mins for each level and 4500 starting chips. Last season the avg round that the games ended was in the 9th level, or just over 4 hours. This also gives you a PF of 11.93 and a skill level of 6. This might be a little long for your Thursday night.

    So you can change the amount of starting chips to 3000, just like the $1000 buy ins at the WSOP, and this will give you a PF of 9.00 and a skill level of 5, with 30min levels.

    Just thought since I have already done the work for my league, I would just post the info for you, so you can decide what you want to do for next season
  • Thanks Steve, much appreciated. I'll review between now and the start of the next season and determine if it will work for us.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    If you decide to go that route AJ, I have some very nice and slightly underused Paulson Pharaoh denominated chips that I would gladly loan for the cause ie. bring each game and leave them there till the next week if I get the boot early. see you all tonight

    2 hours later, it dawns on me....even if AJ does decide to change it up, his chips aren't denoms anyway, so he could still use his own. doh!

    This may sound weird because we are just speaking about poker chips after all but I just want to clarify that I didn't mean any disrespect to you and your chips by offering up my set. As I said, when I read your posting, I just instantly thought "different blind structure and different chip denominations (same as I use for my home games), why not offer mine? When really, it doesn't matter at all. Silly me.

    Okay, I feel weird now. Better just mow the field down quickly tonight so I can leave in shame lol
  • No worries, Ed. You and your money are always welcome on The Hill

    But in case you are that apologetic about it...just send your money. All will be forgiven
  • After being the 2to1 underdog in chips tonight going into headsup action, Keith was able to get the best of Darryl a couple of times and finally take him out with AA. Keith made some big hands headsup to dwindle Darryl down in a hurry too, hopefully denying Darryl enough points to overtake me on the Points Leader board.

    Steve made his first money finish this season by taking third place after busting Dave out on the bubble.

    Good game everyone. Hope to see you all back next week.
  • Apparently I don't know poker as well as I thought even after 5 years of NLHE because after winning pot after pot and nearly doubling my stack in the first 15 minutes, I was positive I had the game locked up! I was running that good! LOL Darryl brought me back to reality though with his FH over my STR82ACE (sorry AJ, just had to haha). Keith sent me to heartbreak hotel with his rivered Ace to pummel my pocket J-J

    Monster hands at the table tonight. Flopped straights, FH's, quads and even better, another SF! Good game all. See you next week
  • Here's the updated Points Leader Board. Man, its going to be an uphill battle to fight off Darryl the rest of the season.

    A.J. 362.68
    DARRYL 344.8
    KEITH 312.55
    KRIS 292.93
    GREG 281.24
    ED 240.43
    JEFF 189.99
    DAVE D 130.34
    ROMER 117.78
    STEVE K 110.76
    SAM 110.57
    GARRY 107.46
    JEFF C 80.51
    SEAN 78.52
    DAVE L 57.62
    JAY 49.49
    ALLAN 45.65
    ANTHONY 33.08
    MIKE 23.26
    ROCKY 18.85
    JOE 18.04
    STEVE 16.54
    ROB 14.05
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