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Canadian Poker Player

Hey Dave

I got my first chance to read through a full issue of your magazine and thought it was great.

Keep up the good work. I can't wait to end up on the cover! ;)


  • Thanks. I have been feeling a bit "beaten up" as of late. Your candle in the window comes at a good time.
  • Thanks. I have been feeling a bit "beaten up" as of late. Your candle in the window comes at a good time.

    It is unfortunate that you will usualy only hear from customers when they're unhappy or unsatisfied. I am sure that the majority of your readers are VERY happy with the mag.
    I remember the first copy and how thin (but great) it was and thought that it would get thicker as time went on. Sure enough I was right. Each month there is more and better info from the previous month.
    I for one have definitely improved my game from reading CPP.
    I have given one subsription as a gift and I will be renewing mine in a month.
    Keep up the great work, the mag rocks! :) :canada:


    Bill Wood

    Sorry if this sound like I am kissing ass but credit should be given where credit is due.. Sometimes. :tongue:
  • Thanks Bill.

    Your compliment might mean more if I wan't staring at a grown man in diapers. I mean, you know, it's nice when a crazy person says something nice. But, well, it might just be the lunatical ramblings of a nutbar?

    Seriously. Thank you.
  • I love getting my copy of CPP in the mail, and I have enjoyed every issue. I like hearing about Canadian tournaments (results, or upcoming) and I have really enjoyed the articles, especially the online playing topics. That is definately something new because you don't see too many articles/books written specifically for the online player. I think the author is Kathleen something no? I really like her articles..

    Keep up the good work Dave and the rest of the CPP staff and contributors! \m/
  • Thanks Bill.

    Your compliment might mean more if I wan't staring at a grown man in diapers. I mean, you know, it's nice when a crazy person says something nice. But, well, it might just be the lunatical ramblings of a nutbar?

    Seriously. Thank you.

    I rarely wear the diapers anymore if that helps.. :D Also I was not wearing them when I made that post.
  • Your compliment might mean more if I wan't staring at a grown man in diapers.

    Man. If I had a nickel for every time I've been told that...
    esool wrote:
    I rarely wear the diapers anymore if that helps.. Also I was not wearing them when I made that post.

    Excellent. That's much less disturbing.


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