Game 9 Signup

With only four games remaining in this season, my lead is a bit smaller now, with Darryl and Kris hounding me for the top spot. I'm not going to make it easy for them though.

Time to remind everyone that even if you haven't played a game yet, you can still qualify to play the SET game by attending all four remaining games.

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Kris
4 - Greg
5 - Darryl
6 - Sean
7 - Steve
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • I guess I will lose a little ground here. I'm back on the afternoon shift and will miss it. Be there for the next 2 though. Maybe Daryl, AJ and Kris could do me a huge favour and bust out on the first hand Thursday?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Maybe Daryl, AJ and Kris could do me a huge favour and bust out on the first hand Thursday?

    This is the only explanation I can think of that would explain your last statement

  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Maybe Daryl, AJ and Kris could do me a huge favour and bust out on the first hand Thursday?

    I'd say, if you would make sure that Darryl gets AA (a must push for him in the first blind level), AJ gets KK or QQ and I will definitely not fold 1010 this time!!! And thus we will see...
  • Out this week.
  • since I cannot play, I still feel the urge to be involved somehow. So, I will offer a one year subscription to Bluff magazine (retail value of $29.99) to anyone that wins a showdown with Quads. Good luck!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    since I cannot play, I still feel the urge to be involved somehow. So, I will offer a one year subscription to Bluff magazine (retail value of $29.99) to anyone that wins a showdown with Quads. Good luck!

    Be harder to lose with quads, but its a done deal! Thanks Ed!
  • my pleasure. Numbers aren't looking so hot though!
  • what-me-worry-715605.jpg

    I have built it...they will come
  • Where is everybody??? Com'n, we have to "break-in" those new tables guys!!!
  • Have a client out for golf, Thursday, pretty sure the timing will not allow
    If he runs right after golf, I would be a last minute insertion at best

    Milton Slim
  • Hey AJ,

    I'm in
  • There WILL be a game tonight, even if its just SHIGGLES

    I'll keep the registration open until game time and review frequently. So if you want in at the last minute, please post, email, or call my cell.
  • Okay, what else can I do? Hmmmm
    Put in Air Conditioning
    Bought two new poker tables
    Even purchased a new flat screen monitor to show TD better for everyone

    Tell you what...fill two tables tonight...and next week...

  • I literally laughed out loud at Steve's quick after my last post...should I tell him I'll be the dealer??
  • Greg takes down the win tonight after busting me out on the bubble and gathering a mountain of chips against Kris. Last hand Kris limped in trying to trap with AA, but Greg hit two pair on the flop and that's all that he needed to win. This now puts Greg on top of the Money Leader Board, but still in third on the Points Board.

    And no, I won't be topless next week ;)

    Thanks for coming out everyone. Hope to see you all out next week.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Greg takes down the win tonight

    "this is a recording"

    I take it there were no takers for the Bluff subscription?
  • No, but it was close a couple of times with three of a kind on the flop. But nobody had the case card to win your prize.
  • Thanks AJ for hosting another great game. I got lucky with a couple of key hands last night.

    Just an FYI i'm on holidays after today so i'll catch up with you guys in a couple of weeks.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I got lucky with a couple of key hands last night.

    DAMN STRAIGHT! Lucky Ace...the flush draw on the flop was just a torment for me too :mad:

    I'm on holidays next week as well, but there will STILL be a game on Thursday night. No real plans to go anywhere, except I COULD be talked into a day trip to Rama or something on Friday <hint>
  • Hey when i pushed you were suppose to fold, if you had just done what you were suppose to do then your KK wouldn't have got cracked :)
  • Greg...BEFORE HairClub for Men


    Greg...AFTER HairClub For Men

  • Looking good!!!

    I think the maginc number for Greg was 5 last night. He busted AJ's KK with A5 and my slow playing AA was punished by lousy 95... Good game guys.
  • Dam you AJ i'm laughing to hard to come up with a comeback
  • Thinking about making a new rule for the league, especially in light of my AA getting brutally beat last week by Steve, and then last night, my KK got hammered by Greg.

    New Rule will state;

    "Anyone who cracks the hosts KK or AA will have to put up with the public humiliation he dishes out on the forum the next day. This will include (but not necessarily be restricted to) jokes, embarressing pictures, and transcripts obtained by their significant others about past moments of intense embarressment"

    I rather like this new rule, don't you?
  • as long as i continuously crack your KK and AA i can live with that rule.
  • doh.gif

    <what a stupid fucking rule>
  • Updated Points Standing

    A.J. 349.68
    DARRYL 298.17
    GREG 281.24
    KRIS 269.67
    KEITH 239.55
    ED 223.41
    JEFF 170.24
    ROMER 117.78
    SAM 110.57
    GARRY 107.46
    DAVE D 102.34
    JEFF C 80.51
    STEVE K 75.8
    SEAN 63.69
    DAVE L 57.62
    JAY 49.49
    ALLAN 45.65
    ANTHONY 33.08
    MIKE 23.26
    ROCKY 18.85
    JOE 18.04
    STEVE 16.54
    ROB 14.05
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