Blackberry or iPhone

I am trying to decide which phone to get next. I am currently using a Blackberry but the trackball is messed up and causes it to do all sorts of weird things. What do you guys think between the iPhone and one of the new Blackberry phones?


  • I have a curve and hate it.

    Wife has a storm and love it.
  • The more I think about it, I don't know if I could handle a touch screen. I use mine for sending emails all the time, so the keypad is nice to have. I like the Bold right now because of the built in wifi, but the Tour and Curve have some other features too. I may try and pick up a used iPhone for fun, but have the BB as my main phone.
  • My wife just bought a BB Storm and she loves it.

    The touchscreen isn't all that bad. If you're going to check out the iPhone, check the Storm too.
  • I own an iphone and bold.. I prefer iphone all day long.. the interface is so much better and web browser is 20000x better... if your planning on surfing the web a lot i would reccomend iphone.
  • NoVeLTeK wrote: »
    I own an iphone and bold.. I prefer iphone all day long.. the interface is so much better and web browser is 20000x better... if your planning on surfing the web a lot i would reccomend iphone.

    +1 just got my iPhone.
    Touch screen is nice.
  • Whichever you decide to go with just remember... touch screens and fat fingers don't mix.

    Graham wrote: »
    The more I think about it, I don't know if I could handle a touch screen. I use mine for sending emails all the time, so the keypad is nice to have. I like the Bold right now because of the built in wifi, but the Tour and Curve have some other features too. I may try and pick up a used iPhone for fun, but have the BB as my main phone.

    That's what I do except I have the iPod Touch which has everything the iPhone has except the phone.
  • HTC Dream ftw.

  • Yeah if you're sending out alot of emails for work I'd probably shy away from the iphone IMO.
  • g2 wrote: »
    HTC Dream ftw.


    Welcome back!
  • BlackBerry > iPhone unless all you do is surf the web and play games. The iPhone is not a smart phone it's a media phone. It is more about the flash and bang cool factor with media apps then actual everyday utility (email, instant messanger, etc).

    The BB Storm is a sort of middle ground between the two offering more wow factor then a normal BB but with the loss of the full keyboard. It's trying to be both a smart phone and a media phone.

    I personally prefer a full keyboard... just ask yourself this question: do you want to be able to type quickly without aggrivation?

    The new BlackBerry Tour is an exellent device as is the newer Curve 8900. I have been using the 8900 for over a year now with no thoughts of changing. It has a great music player and camera (better then Bold and Storm). Just buy a $20 8Gb uSD memory card from Canada Computers and it becomes your everything device.
  • I beg to differ. iPhone by a country mile. The girlfriend has one and it totally whips the BB in terms of ease of use and speed of composing an email. if you can't type on it faster than on a BB you just need practice.

    I understand rebelling against the "in" thing but in this case, the function of the device is just as impressive as the flash.

    and this is coming from someone who owns a chunk of RIM stock ....... oh wait, get the blackberry, any blackberry :)
  • Blackberry and not even close. I do own an i-Pod Touch though.
  • You might be the first person ever to claim you can type faster on an iPhone touch screen then a full BB keyboard ;).

    What BB are you comparing it to?

    This has nothing to do with rebelling against the 'in thing'. I'm not sure why Apple fans always run to that defence first. We can all like and dislike certain things you don't without it being a political or social statement.

    The function and utility of the iPhone is awesome for media centric tasks. But it's the clear underdog for more text centric communications. Since most of what I do on my device is text centric (email, messangers, sms, Facebook...) I use a full keyboard BB (which still is great but not as awesome at the media centric tasks... I haven't used my iPod since I got my 8900).

    Just ask yourself what you will use it for mostly and then decided off that.
  • I played with my buddies iPhone yesterday, and I must admit, it is pretty cool. I might get one when my current plan runs out this year.

    Anybody else have any thoughts re: BB vs iPhone?
  • I can't type on an iphone, that is the only problem I would have with it but I guess with regular usage it would get easier. Though I suck at typing on a blackberry as well.
  • After making this thread I went with the BB and do have to admit it would be nice to have the iPhone too. I think they both have 2 different uses though. BB is more for business, getting emails done, and typing for longer periods of time, while the iPhone is more for fun, cool apps and good for texting back and forth with friends.
  • Graham wrote: »
    After making this thread I went with the BB and do have to admit it would be nice to have the iPhone too. I think they both have 2 different uses though. BB is more for business, getting emails done, and typing for longer periods of time, while the iPhone is more for fun, cool apps and good for texting back and forth with friends.

    Agreed with your comment except for this part. I have an iPod Touch and there are times when I would be using wifi out of the country and type on the Touch, and my accuracy is no where close to what I can do on the Blackberry.

    It depends on what you want the device to do. If you want cool apps, fun games, and you have no intention to type too much on it, I would vote for the iPhone. If you're like me and can't stand typing on touch screen, then you can go with the Blackberry. But the limited options for games and applications for the Blackberry is a pretty big drawback for the "casual" user.

    One more thing for Blackberry - Blackberry Messenger ROCKS
  • Okay, all you tech geeks, how about a recommend for a phone for my daughter. Just a phone, though I will probably cave and permit text, but NO internet.

    With those guidelines, what's the best bang for my $$$ . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, all you tech geeks, how about a recommend for a phone for my daughter. Just a phone, though I will probably cave and permit text, but NO internet.

    With those guidelines, what's the best bang for my $$$ . . .

  • Latest in inexpensive phone technology...
  • westside8 wrote: »
    One more thing for Blackberry - Blackberry Messenger ROCKS

    Yeah this is why I got a blackberry. If everybody you normally talk to use a blackberry, you're pretty much forced to getting one as well.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, all you tech geeks, how about a recommend for a phone for my daughter. Just a phone, though I will probably cave and permit text, but NO internet.

    With those guidelines, what's the best bang for my $$$ . . .

    If you want to control your costs then go with the 7-11 Speak out.

    The Unofficial 7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless Canada Consumer Page
  • Thanks, moose.
  • Palm Pre...all the good of iPhone + keyboard and multi-tasking!!
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    Palm Pre...all the good of iPhone + keyboard and multi-tasking!!

    Oops! Well, it still has a keyboard...
    New iPhone system, with multi-tasking, unveiled -
  • I've been going through the iPhone vs BB debate in my head for weeks now. One day I want and iPhone and the next I lust after the new BB Pearl 3G, which is basically a smaller version of the Bold. However RIM as delayed the release of the Pearl (again!) so I just might get the iPhone and be done with it.

    Anybody else have thoughts on this matter?
  • I think the new iphone is out soon too
  • Well I bought the iPhone 3GS and so far so good! Actually I'm posting from it now. Gotta love that Tapatalk app!
  • I've had the iPhone for a whole week now, and I must say that I love it more and more each day.

    The OS is super simple to use, and the full QWERTY keyboard makes texting/emailing very quick and painless, even for me. (I find it much easier that typing on the wifes BB Strom.) Having access to WiFi is pretty cool too.

    And the Apps....oh god the Apps. I have a bunch already and I've barely scratched the surface of the catalogue. My favs so far are the Pocket Guitar, the Star Wars lightsaber and Pac-man. (Playing PM while pooping at work is soooooo fun!)

    The only problem I've had is trying to hook up my Sympatico email account to the phone. I tried support 3 times but nobody at Bell could help me, so I just opened a gmail account. I don't need total access to my email anyways.

    So, there you go.
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