Game 7 Signup

With the first half of the season behind us, the race for the top spot is going to be fierce now. I'm currently the leader, however several players can easily threaten for the top spot.

Reminder, if you haven't got your minimum 4 games in yet, please plan on doing so in order to qualify for the SET game.

Who's In This Week?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Ed
5 - Kris
6 - Mike
7 - Sam
8 - Dave (tentative)
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • come on Sam, you didn't give up the game because of those Aces did you? If you want, we can promise never to deal them to you again and keep them for ourselves.
  • In.

    p.s - dont deal me aces either plz, didnt work out well b4.
  • When are you guys going to learn? AA no work on The Hill!!

    Welcome back Mike!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    When are you guys going to learn? AA no work on The Hill!!


    If you play them right they work almost every time.

    I try to teach. Nobody Listen.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    If you play them right they work almost every time.

    I try to teach. Nobody Listen.

    You mean the push in the first blind level? Oh yea, well, that's just common sense isn't it?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    come on Sam, you didn't give up the game because of those Aces did you? If you want, we can promise never to deal them to you again and keep them for ourselves.

    Can never give up on poker I will just go all in before the flop or fold them. I don't need AA to lose I can do that with many good cards.icon7.gif I have decided this week to play a new game 7,4 10,5 7,2 all good hands for me now I just hope I don't piss anyone off for playing cards I should not.icon5.gif
    oh ya I'm in
  • samcanada wrote: »
    7,4 10,5 7,2 all good hands for me

    Gee, seems like your playing Milo's range now ;)
  • Include the 7 5 of dimonds in this range!!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Gee, seems like your playing Milo's range now ;)

    I quote from the book of Garry, "I am a tight, disciplined player."

    There will be a new and improved Milo when I get back from my holiday. I might have even learned how to play AA by then. :o
  • Milo wrote: »
    I quote from the book of Garry, "I am a tight, disciplined player."

    There will be a new and improved Milo when I get back from my holiday. I might have even learned how to play AA by then. :o

    Everything you ever wanted to know about playing AA in this game

  • I had A-A dealt to me on the first hand of the 2nd game I played. The trick is to raise to 50 and the players fold like dominoes. Scoop the blinds and be happy.
  • come on Jeff & Milton Slim, big game on Saturday, this will be good practice :-)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    come on Jeff & Milton Slim, big game on Saturday, this will be good practice :-)

    Can't make it this week, tournaments both Friday and Sat. and work to do... lol.. Not a full time player like you guys...
  • You talking about Steve's game tomorrow Jeff? Most likely see you there then.

    Still lots of room and plenty of time to register for tonights game. Unless you're pulling a Romer, sign up soon.
  • Steve? Dave? Anybody else? Would like to at least fill the table tonight.

    Regardless, game is ON!
  • sorry I will be pulling another Romer
  • Family is coming and going, not sure where I have to fit into this mayhem.
    My Communications and Duty Sargent has gone undercover presently.
    Put a chair in for me, but if my smilin' face has not crossed your threshold by game time, consider me AWOL.

    P.S. picture didn't attach to the last e-mail

    Milton Slim
  • That's too bad was a good one too

    Word of warning...still no A/C at the White House...dress accordingly

    Hey, where's Greg?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Word of warning...still no A/C at the White House...dress accordingly

    or in Sam's case, wear whatever the heck you like, you'll be busted with :ah:as in the first 10 minutes anyway and the lack of A/C won't matter :biggrin:
  • Great game all. Fun night as always. Does Sam take it down? Does AJ go for a back to back win?? Does Kris ever move that couch??? or did Ed with all those chips run over everyone?

    Hope to see ya's next week.
  • Great game all. Fun night as always. Does Sam take it down? Does AJ go for a back to back win?? Does Kris ever move that couch??? or did Ed with all those chips run over everyone?

    Hope to see ya's next week.

    Ed took it down tonight!!! He had me out chipped about 3:1 in headsup play and I went totally card dead. Last hand saw his pocket 3's against my 98s and hold up for his first Hill Cash!! Sam took down third place, his first Hill Cash, and Kris had to bubble and left to move couches ;)

    Great seeing you out again Mike, you know you're welcome to come out anytime. Good game all, see you all next week.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Ed took it down tonight!!!...<<SNIP>>and hold up for his first Hill Cash!!

    tsk tsk (click me)...

    fun night of cards tonight. Always helps when you hit flops and go on to win but still...

    - 7 guys still remaining at 10:30 was unusual according the Hill veterans

    - seen a fella hit a straight flush using both hole cards and get paid for it

    - witnessed Sam survive to the money despite being low stacked forever. Hell, I think at one point all he had in front of him in terms of chips was that counterfeit toonie! Is that legal AJ?

    - watched one of the most solid players on the Hill get sucked out on by Runner x3. Okay, not so fun for Daryl but nice to be on the other side of that debacle once in a while!

    - it has been confirmed (by me anyway) that Kris is the hardest guy on the hill to terminate

    See you all next week!
  • Sorry Ed...completely gaffed your first money awhile back. Getting old does that, right Dave??

    Nice to see a straight flush...been awhile since a hand like that has happened. Well done Sean!

    I particularily like Darryl's all in push on a 10JQKA board, with the flush potential.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    tsk tsk (click me)...

    - it has been confirmed (by me anyway) that Kris is the hardest guy on the hill to terminate

    See you all next week!

    Ed, I think you forgot the rule of thumb:"Get your money in with the worse hand and get there at the end!!!". Your A8 against my 66 was a very good start, you just have to practice some more of that second part, that's all...
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    or in Sam's case, wear whatever the heck you like, you'll be busted with :ah:as in the first 10 minutes anyway

    was I way off or what?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Getting old does that, right Dave?? .

    I forget!!

    Lotsa fun, great guys, it's worth the drive to Chingville

    Milton Slim
  • woo hoo
    So that's what it's like to be up past 9 icon7.gif
    see no :as:ah and I can last
    And ya see Ed it did mater I was sweating my ass off I was there so longicon12.gif
    I just kept holding on to those 3 chips I think you guys did it on purpose so I would come back next week.... well it worked
    Great time all see ya soon
    well unless my fake $2 is worth $4 then it's Vegas baby icon10.gif
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