guelph ontario games

Hey guys,
i searched the forums and saw some poker games going on in guelph but am not too sure if there are any that are currently running and looking for new players.
im interested in playing 1/2 nl games and would be interested in playing some tourneys as well.

please pm me if theres anything going on.... i just got back from vegas and wanna play pretty badly :p



  • Hey Dude,
    I use to run guelph games every thursday, but i have moved and dont have the room right now. I"ll be moving into my new house later in the year and will be opening up then.. Until then, games are hit an miss, but i know there is a game typically every tuesday at the real deal (i'm told it's "legal" etc etc, which is why i'm posting the location)

    Game starts at 7pm, but to get a spot you need to be there much earlier. (like 6:!5)

  • I host a multi table tourney with one rebuy $50 buy in

    5 times a year in West end of Guelph

    Next Game October 17
  • stegby wrote: »
    I host a multi table tourney with one rebuy $50 buy in

    5 times a year in West end of Guelph

    Next Game October 17

    If interested in joining please drop me a line at
  • Poker is alive and doing well in Guelph. If you want more info pm me
  • ^^^^ Holy crap.
    Look what crawled out.
  • glad to here theirs some poker players out here in guelph haha
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